I saw one of the videos about some big news about YouTube wattamack4 has posted. This might make me upset. I just heard that no more Sesame Street videos that means we're not seeing them ever again and not any more SS videos to upload just because of YouTube's new law! Now that there's that Old School Vol. 2 coming which features episodes from Seasons 6-10, SW won't be releasing more eps from the first five years!
No thanks to the idiot copywrite police. But then again, they don't remove the soft core porn, the terrorist training videos.... and they don;t ban members who just post "Hmmm not bad, but not as good as the skanky disease ridden hos on cheaphorridamaturepornography.web"
I mean, fine! Get rid of clips of current TV shows that you can make a profit out of. Don't let this classic stuff die off because some grumpy moron wants more money. Half the stuff on their hasn't been seen in years, and the original companies don't want to pursue it.
&^% Google for buying it, and &*^& untalented comedians that made it popular.