The lowdown on the showdown with all the books down.
Bill Bubble Guy
The Count
Bill Bubble Guy
Okay people. This is going to be where I'll update on who I've been told that MO's [money orders] are in the mail for. It is a donation towards the book, so I won't till what little money I have getting it done. I will pay for shipping and any other additional costs, mind you.
Book Cost: $8.98 as per
Donation/Money Order Requested per member: $9.00 [It's a nice even number. That's why.]
Shipping Costs: Depends where's it's being sent.
Book Specs: 6.0" x 9.0", perfect binding, 60# cream interior paper, black and white interior ink, 100# white exterior paper, full-color exterior ink.
I am currently figuring out how to make it look a little better, and I am adding a first cover page, as well as a last page for...something.
I don't know what it'll be just yet, but I will use the last page for something. XD