Challenge and Contribution - New Book by Me


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I've typed out a letter to send to them, and I want YOU guys to read it before I send it out. Here it is, in it's FULL glory!

The Legal Department Letter said:
(Home) 803-755-0699 (Cell) 803-606-5089
Sara Elisabeth Vines
280 Crystal Springs Dr.
Lexington, SC 29073

To the legal and licensing department at Disney:

I have written a novel, which is a set of six stories, collectively called “Sadie’s Stories”. They involve the Muppets, in their original trademarked characterizations. I have used the town of “Hensonville” as the setting for these stories. I have also used characters that span from Muppet Babies to Muppets Tonight. In addition, I have created new and original characters for them to interact with.

Originally, I created these stories for the enjoyment of my friends, and fellow Muppet Enthusiasts at the Muppet Central Forums. At my friend’s urgings, and my own desires, I wish to publish this novel, for my friends and myself from the forum.

I would be using the online publishing services of, and I have a set of addresses for my friends. I am not charging anything for the publication of this book. It spans over 600 pages. Its dimensions are six inches by nine inches, and the typeset is twelve pitch, Garamond style.

If possible, I would like to make money off this project of mine. It is of course completely at your desire. As I am not printing anything until I get your permission. I currently cannot send you a copy as it is now, in book format. However, I can send you a printed copy of these stories. It is currently 235 pages long.

The stories would be categorized as a “Romantic Comedy Thriller”. They are, because of slightly scary elements, rated as “Young Adult / Teen”. There is nothing of sexual nature within these books, nor is there outright gore, or cursing.

This book has been my pet project over the past four months, and I would love to see great fruition come from the novel. I have used original artwork for the cover, and I give thanks to both Disney and the Jim Henson Company in the acknowledgement pages.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter. I hope to get positive response from your company, concerning my novel. Again, if there is perhaps, anyway I could create some revenue from this personal publication; it will be appreciated. However, for the time being; I am only asking for permission to publish this for my friends and myself. Upon having the permission, I will also be sending a copy to the Henson Company. I believe they would love to read these stories.

Sara Elisabeth Vines

Okay, what do you guys think of it? I hope it sounds nice and professional. ...I really want input from you guys before I send it off. Make sure it really sounds good and all.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Another Update!

I have sent off an email to Universal Studios. I thought long and hard about this, and I realized I can't exclude the 7th book!! It just dosn't make a whole lot of sense to me. If I still have too, I guess it will. But this entire book is my baby, and I do not want to forget the biggest book of all, the last one.

Email to Universal said:
Dear Universal Studios Licensing Department:

I have written a novel, called "Sadie's Stories". It involves the muppets, and in the 7th and final book of these stories, I have created a time-traveling plotline. Where one of the muppets have to go back in time to save one of their family members from going to prison.

Why I am contacting you, is that I have used "Doctor Emmett Lathrop Brown", "Marty McFly", "Biff Tannen", and "Griff Tannen" from the Back to the Future Trilogy. I have also used the DeLeoran too. They are used in a manner, much like their movie counterparts.

Marty recieves a letter, from Scooter from the future, which he is asking their help with saving the theatre. He is wanting to get back to 1985, but Doc decides to help them out. I have also used Doc as a "bridger" between the Muppets and themselves. As in when Doc was younger, he helped out once on The Muppet Show as a minor stagehand for techinial support.

He was also a minor helper for Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker. Marty left them in the DeLeoran after a short while into this story. Biff and Griff, both of them reprise their roles as in the movies to a certain extent. They are minor villains in this story, operating under a larger villain, Eli Takashi. He is the major villain throughout my stories.

They interact with the Muppets, and help them achieve their goal of saving their friend from certain doom. In the end, they go back to their own time, 1985.

If you wish, I can email your company that last book they are in. I really wish to keep this last book, as it is the largest of the 7 books. It runs at 54 chapters long. It also runs at 95 pages long.

Currently, it stands to not be included in my book. I am also sending a fax to the Disney Company for the allowance of their characters, The Muppets, in my books. This is for the personal publication among my friends and myself at the Muppet Central Forums. I do not intend to make any money off of this venture.

Thank you so much in advance for taking the time to read this letter.

Sara Vines


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Wow, that was smart thinking about the BTTF characters! Well, both letters look good to me, but I wasn't an English major. Good luck with all of this sissy, I hope it all works out and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The heck with Disney and Universal. It's not for money. So it's fair game, far as I'm concerned!

The formatting is DONE! And will be reviewed at Lulu Self Publishing as soon as possible! I'm so HAPPY! It's all nice and neat, in a 6 inch by 9 inch paperback format!!

I'm just so darn happy right now!!! Everything is falling into place once more. I feel a bit bad though...I actually went back and read a lot of the comments on my stories to get the "get up and go" to finally get this tedious part of it over. But that's what happens to most people who publish. Especially self-publishers like myself!

So...more information ASAP. I may end up working on it more tomorrow morning, as I'm going to be out with a friend tonight, helping them with some stuff, and also going to Frankie's Fun Park, which is basically Chuck E. Cheeses for Teens. XD

So, love ya guys! Hope you haven't lost faith in me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I'd never lose faith in you Sara! I'm so happy you're finally figuring this stuff out! I'm so excited to eventually have a copy! Way to go!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Now how could that ever happen? Really looking forward to the finished published product. Have fun.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Good on you Sara. It's going to be terrific to finally receive our own personal copies. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Wow, that's great news Sarah, congradulations! And yeah, if the companies think their too good for you, than be too good for the companies! I*mad*
I hate to sound like a pest, but have you decided what to do about the audio versions? Well, if you decide not to make them, we still can read the stories online, but I would still like a copy to hang on to as a momento, if you don't mind.

Congradulations, and try to stay sane, LOL!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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At the moment, as I've not been able to get ahold of Disney or Universal, the book is no longer available for purchasing. I will gather up my resources, and try once more. I..I'm sorry about this guys. I had hoped to have it ready to go before June this year, but I'm simply not able to keep that promise.

I do hope no one has attempted to purchase the book from as that listing is no longer available. I took it down. I will update with more information, as it is available.