Jeffrey Gray said:
That's not a Don Bluth movie. It was actually done by Amblimation...but yes, it was really bad.
I'm not a Bluth fan at all...his films are way too overemotional and heavy-handed for my tastes. In fact, the only non-Disney animated film (heck, recent animated film, period) I actually like is Cats Don't Dance.
Yeah both those movies were bad, it's a shame Dom Deliuse had to star in A Troll In Central Park, Dom is great with Itchy Itchiford the dog, Tiger the cat and Jermey the crow in some of the other Bluth Flims.
Back about Cat's Don't Dance, There's a funny thing at the end of the credits which says "No animals we're harmed in the making of this flim but some had to be erased and re drawn again."
My favortie characters are TW Turtle voiced by Don Notts, Tilly the Hippo, Danny the cat and Cranston the goat. The movie spoof posters at the end are a hoot!

Darla Dimple and Max are get villians too! You gotta love that musical endding!
TW: "They can smash your cookie...but you'll always have your fortuion."