I've seen nothing about Invisible Spray Fozzie no longer being available through the club, but I'm not entirely sure how it works. You may have had to have already been a member when it was offered (though I doubt that would be the case). It's a bit expensive to get the figures, but I've decided that I most be a completist for this line of figures, so I was left with little choice. Now I just have to arrange with some friends in the states for the Vacation Fozzie exclusives, as I missed the issue of Toyfare with the offer, and there's no way to buy the Mediaplay (or whatever) exclusive up here.
*sigh* The difficulties of being a completist outside the US. Of course, in reading about toy news related to the Muppets, I've also got hooked on the Marvel Legends and Spider-man Classics line (and the Dragon's Lair 3D figures as well), so things are starting to get out of hand.
As for the eBay concerns, I felt the same way for a long time. But, I've come to find it a very useful tool. As long as you are patient, you can find things unavailable in local stores for cheaper than you would pay to an online retailer. And I've yet to have any of the dozen or so transactions I've made go sour (knock on wood, as I've got a few items in transit right now)
Prof. Shubbly