Just trying to help out a fellow member by throwing out suggestions. Personally, my interests don't lie in the action figure section, either. But I do have a good reason to encourage people to be willing to get involved, rather than just letting SW have total controll over what happens out there. After all, if SW really is the "non-profit organization" they claim to be, than that would mean that my tax dollars are part of what pays for what they are choosing to promote. And if that is the case, and I don't approve of something they are doing, than I feel I deserve to have my concerns aknowledged, and by more than just a "generic letter". Weather it be concerning action figures or the format of todays show, if the people at SW wish to continue to get support from us, than I think the voices of the general public, as a whole, deserve to be heard just as much as those "minority groups" that always seem to be getting first priority now days.