Yeah. I get twenty dollars a show. It's pretty cool. Next weekend I'm FILMING (that's right! filming! In the freezing out-doors! In the middle of the woods!) a special production for it. Hope I can get it on TV!
One of Big Bird's feathers?????????????? I am soooooo jealous! I'm related to the guy (ninth cousin once removed) , and I didn't get a stinkin' yellow feather! You lucky son of a bear you!
I'm gonna have to write him and complain!
Oh, and, we don't want you to wet yourself either.

Eeeew! What's on this seat??????????
I think I'm actually giddy about finally getting to film something! Like Jim Henson, I'm obsessed with both puppetry and the behind-the-camera stuff. It's so much fun being able to order people around!
You really should look into doing something like that. When you hear that laugh, whether children or adult (I actually got a few adults to laugh loud and hard at my event. That was so cool!) It's worth everything in the world. Keep it real!