All in all, my point is that if Dr.Tooth or anyone else thinks it's so dumb that people hate that cartoon characters are being used to sell junk food, than he should hate those very same people whom were aganist Joe Camel for being a cartoon character on cigerattes. His point of view was that it's been done since cartoons were on TV a long time ago and if that makes it ok, than it should be ok to use cartoons to sell cigarettes.
As stated I agree with DrTooth that parents should just be tell their kids No, but I don't agree with him calling some parents dumb and lazy because they don't like cartoon characters selling junk food. I for one don't really see a problem with that, since in my view the two go hand in hand. But, on the other hand I don't have kids and some parents believe obesity is a problem with our nations youth and don't like cartoons being used to sell junk food and I can understand that, to a point.
Okay... here's the difference.... The Flintstones were NEVER meant to be kid's cartoon characters, and that ad was made when cig ads were okay to put on TV. And as for Joe Camel I disagree with the idea of an anthro cartoonish character with a cig in his mouth... but what kid is stupid enough to confuse him for Mickey Mouse? The only kids who wind up smoking at a young age are juvenile delinquents anyway, doing it to purposely tick off their parents.
As for junk food, MODERATION! Moderation, moderation, moderation. You might as well start petitioning every single bakery and mom and pop restaurant to only sell tofu and carrot sticks. Kids eat junk food. Kids hate vegetables... the parents used to be good at saying "eat your vegetables, there are starving kids in Africa who would kill to eat that." Now parents say, "oh, honey... oh you don't like what i made for you? Well, I'll make anything you want, or go out and buy whatever you want because I want you to be my friend." Kids HAVE friends. They need a parent. No one likes getting shots, either. And if you don't get your shots? Bammo... Flu pandemic.
Why do I have no problem with cartoon characters on the packs of these things? Maybe because, the REAL cause of the obesity problem is hidden under a disgusting truth that NO ONE wants to bring up. It's a poverty thing. Why are all the poor people fat and the rich people thin when ages ago, it was the opposite? You can feed a family of 4 at McD's for less than 10 bucks where well to do people go to their organic markets and get a single carrot for 10 bucks... you know... "Organically grown" using the same slave labor that the commercially grown kind uses. But it costs more, so it tastes better. No one wants to talk about that at all. No. "Oh Nos! Spongebob is on a breakfast cereal. That's what's making kids that aren't mine fat. I better start parenting everyone else's kids and ignore my own."
Again I say, if property taxes when up once cent per person to get healthier meals in schools (the only time a lot of the poorest of the poor get a hot meal) or to introduce better health and Phys Ed programs in schools, they'd moan and groan about their taxes going up. it's easier to whine and complain and villify big companies (guess what? All big companies are bad and only want to make money off of people. That includes these phoney large chain organic marts) and get everything pulled off the shelves than it is to actually A) parent their own kids B) help solve the poverty obesity problem by donating to charity C) do a little bleeping research Or C) donating to PBS. You want commercial free stuff, don't you?
I know I sound upset about this, but I feel passionate about this. Big reason why? unfortunately, junk food advertisements fund children's TV. Without them, we have these nice little infomercials that sell stuff a million times more dangerous than a cheeseburger... I'm talking risky investing (look where that got us), pyramid schemes, dangerous diets that have been disproven by every medical researcher out there, and any book written by Kevin "The government doesn't want you to read this book, because if they find me, I'll be indited for fraud for the 12th time" Trauduea.