I thought the commercial was kinda stupid ... but, seriously, you would EXPECT Spongebob to have commercials for a burger joint. HE WORKS AT A BURGER FAST-FOOD PLACE! Even IF you banned all the actual commercials, the fact is, Spongebob treats Krabby Patties like the Holy Grail.
You'd have to make Spongebob get a job at a vegan place in order to not sound silly when you try to ban BK commercials.
I once heard the STUPIDEST thing... remember the short lived Nickelodeon Puppet show, Mr. Meaty? One critic attacked it because the show took place at a Fast Food place. And all I could say is, "HELLO-O-O-O!" What kind of sheltered life do you live that you never had to work at one of those places? That's, unfortunately, the first step in a career... having to work at a dump during high school. Honestly, do these people expect people to watch a show about people working at an organic food mart? Only comedy there is satirizing the overpaid Yuppies that can afford that stuff, all the while snobbishly snuffing at the poor people that have to eat chemically altered crap. Oh yeah, we pretend to care, when we really just love being well to do. Jerks...
I'm sorry but this commercial was disgusting and embarassing to me when I saw it on TV. We wonder why women are still so mistreated in our culture...
I don't care that they're using Spongebob or that it's junk food. I care that it's incredibly sexist and immature. Whether it's aimed at adults or kids.
I see what you mean, though I took it as a parody. The song itself is a long line of sexist female butt rap muzak bits. Of course, the infamy of that song made it a parody of itself, and it became a camp hit. It's a song that's so bad, that it became funny.
And trust me, I have heard stuff that's worse. Not so much in sexism, but in terms of "what chicken did they have peck at a keyboard long enough toe write it?" Ever hear "Shake your Laffy Taffy?" E-Gad, what a pathetic piece of crap that was. Generic all the way. But that's the problem with Corporate rap (something I abbreviate as C-rap)... poser thugs, poser gangsters, the ludicrous belief that being as sexist as possible would keep ones masculinity secure. Stereotypes producing stereotypes, perpetuating stereotypes. And I wouldn't doubt most of these producers are old white guys.