For some reason I just had this weird dream ...
Here's how it happened: I was on a bus.
I was minding my own business, when all of a sudden
the Saban himself walked on the bus.
He had kind of a nonchalant expression on his face, as if he was going to be happy when he destroyed the Muppets.
He was sitting face to face across the bus from me.
I scowled at him.
He didn't even look at me.
I didn't know how I got up the courage to say it, but ... I blurted out quietly, "You're evil!"
He looked at me confused.
I drew back.
I remarked, "Look, I'm really sorry ... I admit that was a rude thing for me to say ... but I just feel this way because ... well ...
(tears came to my eyes, and I felt choked up)

... because I really want
Fraggle Rock to be on
DVD ...
all 96 episodes ...
and so do thousands of other Muppet fans ...
I hope you see where I'm coming from ...
and I hope you'll take my words into consideration."
That certainly put a prolific expression on his face.
And then my watch alarm woke me up so I could get up to watch O Canada on Cartoon Network.
Maybe I don't understand what Saban
is going to do with the Muppets, but at least I'm happy now.