Camellia said:
hi, ew
sorry, but this is just a marketing gimmick. don't fall for it kids

The color is wrong on Kermit. He's supposed to be KERMIT GREEN, which is SPRING GREEN (not pastel Easter baby lime green). The best replica of Kermit was the Eden Kermit, c. 1990 and the Fisher Price Kermit c. 1978-80.
Hi Camellia-
Forgive me if I respectfully disagree...not on the point that the Eden Kermit and the FP Kermit were good, because they are. Although I am now a representative for Master Replicas, I am also a life long Muppet collector. I own both of these. And while the aforementioned plushes are very good...they are just that. Plushes. What we are striving for here is something completely different.
First of all, I almost wish that Kevin had not posted the pics of the Engineering Prototype Kermit...because, as we all agree, it is not so good. A lot of work to be done. But that's Kevin for you. He reminds me in a lot ways of another Product Development person I've had the good fortune to work with. He shares this stuff not because he has to, and not because it's a MARKETING TECHNIQUE...but because is passionate, and wants the fans to be involved, and in the end, he wants to make the best **** product possible.
I used to try to reign Ken in, and to stop him from sharing so much...because showing things in progress is a double-edge sword. (Believe me, as the Marketing guy, if this were a Marketing Technique, I would not have wanted those pics to be public...) But fact of the matter is, we (Kevin and I) are here -- as was/is Ken -- to try to get feedback from the people who are as passionate about this product as we are. No alterior motives, I swear to you...of course, you can believe whatever you want to believe, but that is the truth.
Anyway, yeah...I think in a lot of ways, the Engineering prototype was a step backwards, but Kevin is already working on correcting it. And your input is valuable, so please keep the comments coming.
In the meantime, I want to show you something. I received a series of pictures from the original prototyper, of what Kermit looked like before he was shipped out. Remember, the Kermit that you are seeing pictures of has literally been manhandled by HUNDREDS of people. And so (assuming I can get these links to work, here are some pictures of the original protoype...and of what hopefully, the final product will look like...)
In picture # 6, you see that there are two Kermits. The one on the left is the one that you have been seeing -- the one that has been manhandled. The one on the right, which you have never seen photos of before, was sent to the factory, and is what spawned the EP that Kevin posted pictures of recently. As you can see, it's along way off. BUT, this is what we are stirivng for. This is what the product needs to look like.
Personally, I am in love with it...but of course, I want to hear what you have to say...