Welcome to the board Kevin.
Thanks for the detailed guide of where you are at with the Kermit Replica. I am as excited now about this product as I was when I very first heard of it. Firstly, I would like to say that I think its great these days how company's involve the public/fans when working on a product, I know the net is a helpful tool with this, I remember years ago writing to a company for info on a Muppet product and not even getting a reply!
I feel slightly frustrated about all the negative comments about this, and how they could have affected this product being made. Basically if you dont agree or dont like something.............dont buy it. But the amount of positive comments has out weighed and won through.
My own personal opinion on the next Muppets Replicas would be to have two or three core characters first, Kermit followed by Fozzie, Gonzo and Piggy, then start adding secondary characters. Rowlf for example, I love Jim's character Rowlf, but as a product, does he have as much universal appeal as Kermit, to sell enough to warrant making him? Im not being negative here, I'd love to see Rowlf, but would hate to see a secondary character not sell as well as the others and mean the line ends due to poor sales. Another thing I was thinking, which hasnt been mentioned on here yet, is HOW COOL the smaller Muppets will be when made as replicas!! Rizzo, Pepe, and imagine a Robin Replica, sat on his Uncle Replica Kermit's lap!!?
I would also probably have to say, I would love to see Miss Piggy made next, a totally biased opinion, as I love Piggy as much as I love Kermit. I also totally agree, I dont think many products come near to actually capturing Miss Piggy's likeness and magic!!?
It would be interesting to see the Blue Kermit prototype, I expect we never will though?? Great news that work has started on the box, can we have a hint as to what type of box it will be...........hoping for a window box!!
I have also been meaning to say, that on looking at the pictures available so far, it looks as if the base of Kermit's Thumb is quite thick, compared to the original Puppet poser?? May be just the way it looks, I was wandering if anyone else agreed??
FLOCKED EYES?? I guess this means the blacks/pupils of the eyes, the white is shiny.............right!!?
What happens with Master Replicas products in relation to having the Copyright/ Maker info on it, I mean a Kermit doll has a plush tag stitched into his hip or back, or something embroided on his foot!! Does this info HAVE to go on the replica and if so, how will this be done? A tag would surely ruin the look of a replica, maybe small tucked away under his collar? Or a card certificate which comes with him?? Are these Limited Editions??
As earlier mentioned, a hint of a release date and cost would be great.
With regards to Kermit's banjo, this would be a great side line, surely a Replica of Kermits Banjo, as used in the Muppet Movie could be sold as a replica in its own right!!
I think this is the longest message Ive ever typed on here!! Lol.
Have a Good weekend all.