Muppetfreak said:
I actually just had an involved conversation about this with my bro. He collects Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. In the old days, there were so few things made for it that he would snatch every single thing up. Now there are so many products for it everywhere he just can't cope.
That's how I feel with all this Muppet stuff. I love it, but there is just too much for my poor wallet so now I just look but only buy the coolest stuff..
Yeah Nightmare b4 Christmas is one of my all time fav Disney films. I also recall back then that NBC stuff was hard to find. When it came to the movies in 93 i was hooked, I asked for NBC stuff that christmas and my perents looked high n low for stuff. They did how ever tracked down quite a bit of stuff, like the Book by Tim burton, a pvc straw with Jack, Pencils, more PVC's the cd and a few other things, wich I STILL have to this day, My rooms ALL Disney (yes Muppets include) and I have a one HUGE shelf with just NBC stuff from over the years and now! at the time Disney store had a few things and now a days Disney Store & Hot Topic have LODES of it!!!

One time I spent like $160 on just NBC with Hot Topic and Disney store and some times I ebay it too! Tell ur bro the BEST time to get NBC stuff is a week after christmas is over, MOST of its on sale in HT or D-Store! I just bought a talking Jack head bust a few weeks ago at HT and a snowglobe at D-store too! also for christmas I asked for a Jack and Sally lamp fom the Disney catalog along with The NEW Muppet snowglobe!
Also I just got the NEW NBC game for my PS2!