You're one brave dude, Travis!
I would spring for
Statler & Waldorf, but I'm in it for the long haul. However, not certain I could swing
$1,000 at one time!
Some sort of production cost cuts would need to be made to keep it in the
$600 - $800 range. Also their
signature chairs would be a nice touch as some sort of seperate product to add through the site. They could aslo be used for other Muppets in the collection. It's something to think about way down the line.
Is Pepe out of the question? Would Scooter really be an option? Scooter was featured with speaking parts in NBC's 2003 "Muppet Christmas Movie", ABC's 2004 "Muppet Wizard of Oz" since his 1999 "Muppets From Space" one-liner. He's remembered and beloved by even the non-fans as the Muppet who opened each show with a knock on the dressing room door.

I can't imagine Sam selling better than Scooter as a stand-alone piece. His color and design visually pops more than most Muppets. Campaign over. He he.
How likely would a Dr. Teeth or even Janice be?