Thanks for the answers, this is all very appreciated.
- There was a lot of debate over whether Animal was supposed to come with collar and whether he should have had a mouth that closed (as it just looks technically wrong on the product - he has a mouth hinge but the tongues too big), and the sales info really seems to infer this was the case. So it may be a given, but just to confirm - Fozzie definitely comes with the neckerchief and the hat?
The whole Animal mouth thing was... well, before I was involved in the project in any official capacity. So I really cannot speak to it. The mouth WOULD close, if the tongue were more spongey or foamy. It was the replacement materials that the team chose that prevent the mouth from cloing, moreso than the size of the tongue, which is accurate, I think.
Animal, in the early stages, was intended to come with the chain. And drumsticks, too. Those had to be dropped. Tooling on those kinds of items could have easily run upwards of $25-30,000... and that doesn't even take into account the cost of the materials. It's a common problem with limited edition collectibles -- the math simply did not work.
If we were making 20,000 Animals, the amortized cost of the chain (with tooling and materials) may have been only $2-3 per unit. Then it would have been justifiable. But since only, 1500 were made, the chain (with tooling and materials) may have cost anywhere from $15-20 apiece. (These by the way, are made up #s, but you get the gist) And then we have to mark that up. So, for Animal's chain... add $50 to $100 to the price tag of the product. In the end, we felt we were pushing the limits -- in terms of price -- of what a mass produced Photo Puppet could yield.
But yes, Fozzie has the bowtie and hat.