Whew...more questions. Getting to be hard to get to them all...if I miss any, doin' the best I can here...
bizarreblair Hi Ken,
As soon as I turned his left leg, it came off! I looked to see that his lower half was not "snapped" together very securely. So I put his leg in the hole and snapped the lower half together again, but I'm worried that this may be an ongoing problem with him. I suppose I will discover if this is truly deffective the more I play with Bunsen. Would you mind giving me your thoughts on this? Thanks.
That's what we call a factory defect. The technical cause is probably a bad sonic weld on the two halves of the ABS pelvis. You have two solutions. One, put a dab of really strong glue on the pin of the interior of the pelvis and re-assemble it and let it bond. Two, take it back to the store for a refund. If either option fails, get back in touch with me.
beaker >>>9 to 9 1/2 inches would probably be decent for Sweetums
I would think that would be decent for ANYBODY.
Did you think about doing Piggy in her Karate Suit ?
Yeah I did...still an option down the road.
I was just curious how the campaign for the exclusives was going this time around. Is the response any better? Are we anywhere close to the numbers we need to be at in order to make this happen? Do I need to shout at some more people to email you?
SO far about 75 responses. Much better than last time. Still have no answers for what we will do about this, or even if we can. But it is being discussed in the office.
Crazy Harry
Would it be posible to make Rowlf's ears out of the same soft miterial that was used for Dr. Teeth's hat and Bunsen's coat so that that could seem floppy.
Way ahead of you on that... Rowlf's ears are going to be PVC 60 durometer...same material as the Teeth hat. But they are a lot thicker so don't expect the same type of movement.
Electric Mayhem
Ken- you never answered my question about your twist-tie fetish..!
Not my fetish...a fact of life. To ship to the US you have to pass ASTM testing, a standardized series of safety tests. One of those is a transit test. The twistie ties are necessary to prevent migration during shipping and allow you to pass that test. They should have been longer though...some of those shorties are **** hard to get undone.
I think that's all the unanswered ones...