I think Annie Sue is just a bad idea for an action figure. The female characters in an action figure line usually don't sell well, except in certain lines like the simpsons or lines where they are given huge boobs

. Annie Sue would basically be series 1 Piggy with a pig afro.
I like the idea of Pops, in fact it came up on the Palisades forum awhile ago.
Reg Sam and Rowlf WILL be in the line if it goes the full 14 series and I don't see why it wouldn't. Also, I would hope the Rowlf comes with an upright piano because thats the one he played while in the pit which is probably the most recognizeable version.
Sam's accessories are sketchy for me. These figures are international, so an American flag may turn some people in other countries off of the figure. Then again, it is Sam the Eagle so how can he not have a flag? That will be something Ken and comopany will have to figure out.
Sweetums is only about 7 feet tall I'd say if even that tall. So, he could be around 9 inches tall in action figure form. He could be put in the regular line with some clever positioning of the figure. Maybe have him sitting in the package so he isn't as tall. That would be cool, and with a club of course. I doubt a figure of that size would be able to come with a robin pack in though.
I don't know about Thog. He would be cool, but he is in PVC form already. Though Ken says characters in PVC form really has nothing to do with weither or not they will be in action figure form, I would have to think it moves certain characters, like Thog, down on the list a bit.