Ask Ken at Palisades


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The answer is at present...none, really. I don't have factory paints on any of that stuff yet, so there has been no opportunity yet for that home stretch tweaking.

However, in S4, the problem color areas are the determination of the PIS uniform color. In S5, figuring out a producable plaid jacket pattern and skin color for Newsman and determining just how to vary the color application in Gonzo's nose to distance ourselves from the (IMO) too blue S2 Gonzo. In S6, determining if Statler and Waldorf should have different skin tones and the ultimate elimination of Statler's pinstripes because they present a paint nightmare as far as QC and the determination of just which figure in S6 gets the in case chase paint variation and what it should look like.

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Well, what about a hair dryer, guys? He had one in the movie. And a brush. We know that the prawn is vain.
Hi Jamie, i mentioned this before, it would be neat if pepe's head could tilt back making it look like he's drying is hair. it would be a nice item for pepe to hold, i also suggested a Hensonvill news paper.

i still think the door in a jar is a neat idea, but to tell the truth if it came out i would display it on the muppet labs table rather then with pepe, maybe it could come with a later busen figure that's invisable or blown up beaker if that happens.

Hey phil posted this in another thread, and i was thinking about it, this kermit reporter doll has a brown hat and is from the muppet show, is there any way that the koosbane kermit could come with this kind of hat?


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Well, if you did the Gonzo with the long arms, what about using that "bendy" kind of thing? Of course, it'd have to be really really long arms.

I also still like out "PlayPrawn Magazine" idea.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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A Gonzo with long arms. That'd be awesome! You could do it from Muppet Treasure Island and he could come with starfish for in his pants! Hehehehe! I would buy that figure in a heart beat! Hehehe! You could do it with that bendy stuff. It'd work. Just gotta be careful, 'cause those things always break. Maybe you could do it with just soft plastic, or a Stretch Armstrong type thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Well Ken said the only way to do it on scale is to do interchangable arms which would be just as cool. Also it wouldn't hurt Gonzo's standing ability. Basically anything that would separate MTI Gonzo from the first 3 would be great and increase playability.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by ResidentLilly
In S6, determining if Statler and Waldorf should have different skin
I think this one is going to be quite a 'hot' issue come the NY Toyfair, even more than Gonzo's nose (so nobody would blame you if you left the country now Ken :big_grin: ) - it was i think the thing i liked least out of all the figures and photos i saw. I accept that to be 'show accurate' it would be right to have one with a slightly different skin tone, but i don't really think it works in the action figures. Most other merchandise they have always been the same. Besides, even being accurate to the puppets, i think the contrast between Statler & Waldorf was a bit extreme - kinda like one of them (Waldorf i think) had been out in the sun wayyyy too long. The whole idea of keeping them in the same wave was so that people would buy them as a set, so i think it's also fair to assume people will display them as a set and making one fairly different from the other really detracts from that. Overall the actual figures (sculpting, likeness) looked lovely and the majority of people will be blown away by them, but IMO i'm pretty sure that people will thank you if you either make both skin tones the same lighter one, or at least tone down the redder one a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Unfortunatly no. Ken doesn't want pics of series 5 and later online yet because he wants to show them at the Toy Fair. Once that's done with we will probably get a real look at First Mate piggy and a look at series 5 probably.

BTW, the First Mate Piggy figure looks a lot like the First Mate Piggy seen on the MC Forum banner up there. not a bad likeness really compared to that picture.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Is there any way that the koosbane kermit could come with this kind of hat?

No chance. Hat was suggested but ultimately it was not approved as an idea because of it's close connection to SS.

Besides, even being accurate to the puppets, i think the contrast between Statler & Waldorf was a bit extreme - kinda like one of them (Waldorf i think) had been out in the sun wayyyy too long.

Yeah...but it is rare to find two people with the same tone. And since the puppets are different, odds are the figures will have some differences.

what about texture? did they get the texture added to her?

Texture will not be added until the factory stage. The proto photo will be textureless.