First off, I just want to really thank Ken, as always, for listening to the fans. This is what elevates Palisades, at least in my opinion, though I'm sure in those of many others, above the rest, especially for the Muppet line, and all of the effort that's put into it, and thus its quality. I was especially glad to see you use my post as a reference to your decision regarding the stage. This made me swell with pride, as it shows that the fans can make a difference. THANK YOU!
Otherwise, I like that prototype, wherever it's from, but where exactly is it from? Also, I do think that the other sets should fit, as being a key aspect that would make this set truly shine. This holds true, even if it didn't have the orchestra pit, which I could honestly live without, from the main thing. This is not saying of course, that I'd never like it to be made, as with a backstage, or audience area, which could possibly be made to add-on, as has been discussed, later on. That's about it for now, I guess. Take care.