The piano is huge you say Ken? ... Huge as.... say naked kens' own "musical instrument? Ohhhh... Sorry I just couldn't help myself, I saw that one coming. How did this thread get started on your body anyhow.... at this rate you'll make the cover of Peoples' The most sexiest ever list! Maybe we should steer it towards the muppets.... or at least try!
I just got my Lab Beaker Playset today at last. I am only something like 3 months behind the times! Oh well....
I noticed on the back, Ken, that you are credited for Playset Design, and are Product Development! Wow I am happy beyond words with the lab playset! You're a great guy and talented too(no corrupting that comment please with dirtiness

Is the piano larger than Piggys vanity? How long on average does it take for a playset to go from idea - to on the shelves for sale.. roughly?