Somewhat cynical
I've been lurking in the wings reading all the mayhem regarding the figures and whatnot, but haven't really felt inspired to post until now.
I'd like to present my point of view as a Muppet fan (non fanatic variety), non-collector. For instance, I got all the Series 1 figures except Piggy because she always annoyed me as a child.

Other than that, I will be buying the entire Electric Mayhem, and a couple major characters from each series.
Don't get me wrong, I love the figures more than any collectable/toy I've ever seen from Henson, but I've only got so much desk space at work!
Anyhow, I guess the limitted success of recent Muppet-related productions have colored me a little cynical. Am I the only one here thinking "Geez, I hope they actually make it to series 5 so I can get Gonzo in his suit rather than with the cape"?
With that in mind, as I've been reading the posts that are asking for Annie Sue and an Uncle Deadly re-paint or whatever I fear for the longevity of the series. I'm already worried that Julius Strangepork (if not Crazy Harry) will be so much of a "peg warmer" that the few local shops who actually cary the muppets figures will opt out for the future. Personally, I'd much rather have a figure of everyone than a million Kermit variations, but there's got to be a balance in there somewhere.
Jeez, what a pessimistic way to mark my first post on MuppetCentral...

I'll try to redeem somewhat it by listing what I think would be REASONABLE for the Movie licenses from a non-fanatic point of view... many ideas snagged from other posts across this board, and my Gonzo bias is evident:
TMM - Posable Kermit w/ Bike, Banjo & Log (& Director's Chair?)
TMM - Gonzo Prince of Plungers w/ Camilla, Plunger, Balloons
TMM - Playset - Studebaker (Cold water changes paint?) w/ Plumber Truck on top
GMC - Gonzo (w/ Camera & Collapsable Hot Air Balloon)
GMC - Piggy on Motorcycle (w/ Baseball Diamond)
GMC - Lips
MTM - Kitchen Rats (riding egg-beater etc.)
MCC - Kermit w/ Robin
(Endless possibilities for MCC, just make everyone Christmasy!)
MTI - Whatever, just make a couple piratey folks.
MT! - Johnny Fiama w/ Sal (No accessories, so you can pack the two together)
MT! - Pepe & Seymore in Elevator outfits (see accessories comment above)
M!! - Clifford (w/ magnetic sunglasses)
MFS - Tin Foil Gonzo (w/ Lawn Mower)
TMS - Mahna Mahna & Two Snowths (I know that's 3 characters, but you could minimize articulation & whatnot - it's the most well known Muppet Sketch in the world, and would sell like crazy, especially if you included a 3" CD of the song.)
Sam (I want him without his MTI outfit)
Sweetums & Robin
Rowlf Au Natural
Gratuitous Penguins Pack
If only we could get a Digit figure from JHH... I'd join the collectors club for that one...
Also, as a non-collector of action figures, I'd have to say that while articulation is cool (I bought that super-posable Spider-man figure), in the case of the Muppets I think too much of it detracts from the natural look of them and they start to look like robots rather than foam and felt.
Well, that's all for now!
- Derek