Well, there's a little bit of both. I'm all in favor for it, because it saves the characters and helps the line. There's whining going on over there because of the timing, but obviously they couldn't announce this prior to the release of wave 9, or it's pointless. The celebrity wave was always a little more expensive anyway, and I hear that you can pick up figs for $3.00 each on discount if you shop around (Playmates could care less what you spend, just so that they get them off the shelves), so it's really a good deal. At best you'll get the two celebrity figures cheaper than if they were released. At worst you might pay a couple dollars more. I think it's hard to complain when you could basically flush the two figs you buy down the toilet or give them to a friend or Toys for Tots (all you need are the UPCs) and still come out ahead, but somehow people are still managing.

Definitely a way better deal, two figs for two figs, than the four for one deal with the B-Sharps Homer figure for wave 10. The only bummer is that they aren't carded if you you're an MOC fan. Big deal. I'm an MOC collector and that doesn't bother me.
I'd have no problem doing this in the future for the Muppet Show line, if there were some obscure characters that you guys had done all the tooling for but couldn't justify releasing in a wave because the sales would tank for the mass market.