To Ken(new Carroll series 3 article)
Hey Ken!
Well, I think even a lot of the detractors were impressed by the brand spanking new series 3 prototypes just shown.
I have 3 questions:
1. How many inches long are the Lobster Banditos? They look extremely detailed, beyond what I had imagined.
2. Will the lobsters have any articulation? I ask, because in the skits they were able to stand(and fire cap guns, hehe) and from the looks of them in the picture they are stomach down.
Just wondering if they are a one piece face down thing, or have any joints or ability to display standing?
3. How long does it take to sculpt/make a prototype like the new figures shown in the article, or the accessories? Also,
what type of material is used in the unpainted prototypes shown in that article?
Gosh, I so wish series 3 wasnt pushed back til early 2003!