As far as an example of Beard....
Ummm, does anyone else want to jump in and say "Lisa Marie Presley" before I do?
A big Drew Carey spit take...VERY funny.
Am I the only one who thinks the Movie Maniacs are quickly running out of steam? I think Darkness looks super cool, and I will buy him. However, if I were making a Tim Curry figure for a horror line, I would rather see Pennywise from IT. And what's with the Toothfairy?
It is my favorite series from McF...and it could run out of steam, but there are so many things out there that if he nails the licenses on could be sweet. I mean, look at this next Series...with the exception of the Wishmaster fig, all of them look **** cool. And the WM looks cool, but the flick was just so bad I don't want the fig. But I have been wanting an exoskeletion Terminator, a good one, for ages. Same with Sarah Connor...as for Tooth Fairy, it's a yet to be released film, so who knows? But the figure looks neat. And Alien and Predator? Whoa...gotta love that. I think when we see the series 6 line-up we will know the direction the line is going...
I cant wait for Mcfarlanes Twisted Wizard Of Oz figures in Monsters series 2 or the 2 new T2 Figures from Movie Maniacs.
See? Told you all that Wizard of Oz was now Public Domain...so a set of Wizard of Oz Muppets would be absolutely within the realm of possibility!
Ken, you had stated the contract on the Muppet figures goes through 2005. At four series' a year, plus the two from this year, that sounds like 14 series' at least! And that's providing that you only release one series a quarter! Is my math correct on this?
You are correct sir...my plans go through Series 14.
Throughout this thread you've mentioned that some characters aren't covered under the contract. When characters ARE covered by the contract, does that mean they're going to be made or only could be made?
COULD be made...not absolutely WILL be.
If the series is still going strong when 2005 rolls around, can the contract be renewed?
Could more characters ever be added to the current contract? I'm guessing that last one is unlikely, but I figure I'll ask anyway.
A resounding yes.
You say Reporter Kermit is coming along; how is the Koozebane playset coming? Any changes to which aliens will be included?
Hasn't even begin sculpture yet. I need to draw it this weekend or next week, then get it started. No changes on the Aliens...but I think people will be really surprised to see what this set looks like. The one in my head looks really cool.
I saw a picture of the EB exclusive Gonzo and his cannon was gray. Is this how it's actually going to be then, the regular Gonzo with a circus painted cannon and the exclusive with a gray cannon?
Yes this is how they will be. Variety is the spice of life!
Oh, I should ask this- do you know offhand if there are any other figures that can fit in Gonzo's cannon?
Kermit is about the only one small enough and light enough to shoot very far.
Will the series five Gonzo come with his trumpet?
Most likely yes.
What's the status of the stage playset in terms of how far along it is? Any possibility of an orchestra pit, even a mock-up of one? About how far would it extend? I take it you probably wouldn't include the whole house (for those of you with low theatre knowledge, that's the name for the area where the audience sits.) Any idea of dimensions?
Still in the "In My Head" stage...I have no idea what this thing will do. I have tons of stuff I need to draw and I just haven't had the time, with the move and all, to sit down and do it. I want to have all the 2003 product sculpted and approved by the end of the year.
You were thinking of ten inches for Sweetums. This if fine by me, so long as it wouldn't automatically eliminate the future possibility of a Thog (who would, with a ten inch Sweetums, have to clock in at at least 11 1/2". Backstage playset?) Have you ever seen the Muppet book "Two for the Show"? It's got a few pictures of Sweetums in scale to some other Muppets that might be helpful. I have a copy and if you ask nicely I can loan it to you.
My thoughts are about 11 to 11.5 for Sweetums, and if Thog were to happen the same height. Thog's sideways mass would more than make up for the height differential.
Of the figs you mentioned, I think the only one who has a real legitimate shot at being made is George, and that is a long shot. The others just aren't that well known...that does not rule them out though. I am taking a wait and see approach to the line and the collector's club. But if membership on the club gets big enough and is stocked with mostly Muppet fans, I think we would consider making a fig of an obscure character for a club exclusive or something....