Ask Ken at Palisades


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2002
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I dont think they will pull Crazy Harry from the shelfs. I mean they have Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler dolls. I used to have bunch of them bogglins but they all got sold. :frown: The new ones at TRU have sonds when you move they're eyes and mouths. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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maybe we should keep a lid on it..

I hope you guys realize that we're creating our own buzz about the Harry situation. At this rate, other sites are gonna read about it, news will travel, the fuss will begin, and the figure will never reach the shelves. Maybe if we just drop it now, we'll actually see it in stores before the inevitable backlash.
Just a thought,


Active Member
May 21, 2002
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ken, what is your favorite color?
Palisades stuff sometimes smells funny with all the stuff you must have in your office made by Palisades have you ever had Palisades Toys induced visions or has your Kermit Fig ever started talking to you? :big_grin:

it happened to me once. oh tequila my wicked wicked friend :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2002
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Hey Ken, just wondering about the E-Mail situation down at Palisades. I sent an e-mail to them a couple of weaks ago and never got a response. How about your e-mail at comcast, I also sent you an e-mail there and haven't recieved a response. No hurry, but I just wanted to know if there was a problem with the servers or whatnot, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Here's some food for thought. Last year we put out a Marvin Nash figure from Reservoir Dogs. Musicland received big complaints and was forced to remove them from their shelves because somebody with enough potential sales to throw around (or withdrawal thereof) did not like the fact that a cop was shown beaten in a toy. They failed to recognize that it was a character, not a "position" on cop-beating.

Nevertheless, the toy was pulled and destroyed.

I am not happy about Harry coming out in September because you never know what kind of nutty freak will fret about it and send people into a tailspin. BUT, there is nothing we can do. If someone cannot be open minded enough to accept a Harry figure and decides to lodge formal complaints there is little you or I can do about that. He is still in the assortment, he is still gonna be in the assortment.

Is there a risk? Yeah, but it's one that just has to be taken. Hopefully people will be smart, but you never know. I would like to believe that as much as someone has freedom to fret about it we have freedom to make a toy of a beloved character...but unfortunately the American Dollar is often more powerful than the American Dream.

Time will tell...
Jun 20, 2002
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I agree with you ken. But what can you do? I will proably reserve a harry[planned on it] and also are you pstched at all about havin your name on the muppet figure boxes and cards?

ss nay.1


Active Member
Jun 24, 2002
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hey ken i recently got all the mupphets including all the exclusives except the lunchbox kermit.I want to say you guys are doing an outstanding job.Any new word on a club set up or wether we will be able to get those con exclusives i payed an outrageous price for teeth but would like to buy them off your site or club for more reasonable price.How about an indiana jones kermit he would rock.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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So how come theres nothing you can do ? Wave One had it's problems and you were able to delay them, how is it not possible to 'accidentally' deliberately delay wave two for a few weeks ?

Better than taking the risk i'd say, if people are already talking about it now you just know someone in the media is gonna pick up on this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Luke, obviously you are right, we could delay it. That does cause some potential problems, not the least of which is the timing for Series 3, which really needs to come out this year and wouldn't be able to if we delay Series 2 by that much.

Fact is, by "nothing we can do" I really am referring to the ability to change a person's mind once it is made up. That is extremely difficult, especially when someone feels passionately about something. Even releasing Harry two months after, or a year, could result in someone being upset enough to lodge a complaint that could lead to a difficult Marvin Nash-type scenario.

If there is anything I have learned since getting into the internet it's that simple fact. People believe what they believe, and changing their minds is very, very difficult.

And it doesn't have to be somthing like Harry. Simpler things can create strong reactions that you cannot defend to the accusor. I have been accused of manipulating people here, (and I am not referring to you and some of our heated debates...I agreed with the position you took in the early days of my involvement here and compensating people and hope I have proven were right on many points) of over-hyping the figures to serve the interests of the company, of dropping the ball over quality control on the figures, of purposefully limiting figures to create an over-exxagerated sense of frenzy or delaying the line purposefully for some reason other than those I stated, even of stealing people's ideas outright. None of it is true, there are reasons and explanations for everything...but people, when they are passionate about something are very hard to reach.

And the thing is that it is very difficult to convince someone, if they believe in any of that , of the truth or my point of view. I can explain all kinds of things in defense, but most of the time you find yourself in an unwinnable war. I have read e-mails from customer service from people who are FURIOUS that we did not sell Muppets to Target. When you explain to the customer that we offered it to Target and Target said no, you can still, suprisingly, get a return reply that says that can't be true and why would Target say no cause they carry Simpson's and we are screwing them because now they can't get figs. We are SCREWING them! As if we would not WANT the exposure or revenue of selling to a major retailer like Target?

You see where I am going here? Yeah Harry can be a possible problem. Yeah there are people who will racial profile and say he looks like a terrorist. But you can't stop that, if you release him in September or any of the months in between. All we can do is put out a classic Muppet, one that fans seem to be happy that we are releasing and hope for the best.

But this is a forum, for ideas and opinions, favorable or unfavorable. Luke, what would you do if you were in charge of the line? I am interested in your opinion. You have always struck me as having a level head, even in our early debates, and you have always defended your peeps here and at ToughPigs well. If you had to make the call, how would you handle it? And why?

Others can feel free to weigh in here too...I like it...we can sort of talk about an issue that doesn't involve the figures in the production sense of the word and I don't feel like I have to be "product guy" for a while. We can just share some thoughts and ideas as fellow collectors.
