With Arthur ending, I decided to watch Arthur's First Day a few weeks ago, it was a cute episode, and it's to finally see them move up another grade and even give a clothes change (I mean the clothes the characters were already wearing were starting to get dated by the late 2000's, so they really needed the change), but aside from that, I can see why Arthur is ending, I don't even hear about any kids into it on Twitter nor with my family, it's mainly just nostalgic adults such as myself who are really into the show. I don't even think the books even get any read that much anymore, which basically shows it's a dying IP in the kids demographic, sad, but true. It really does show why's it cancelled for a block such as PBS KIDS!, maybe someday one kid will pick up an Arthur book or watch the show via streaming, and maybe the series will get popular again, but for now, it's ending and time will only tell if it picks back up.