Well who would have thought growing up that you'd be able to meet/see in person some of your favorite Muppeteers/Muppets, or see em online.
It doesnt happen that often, but its a nice thing for the fans.
I believe the number one reason why you dont see more JHC related folks give a formal 'hey!' is the geek out factor. Something in the human psyche causes some folks to go all "OMG! I Cant believe its really you!!!!" Luckily, I have none of that(I get more nervous talking with girls, then I have with say talking with Robin Williams, Sweetums, Carol Spinney, etc). The second reason is some clause thingymabobber...but I think the geek out factor is numero uno.
But the climate these days is anything goes...I mean JHC owns JHC again...and with the internet, ya never know when someone big might drop by and say 'hey!'. I wait for the day when actual Muppets do more webcasts, performers do more q & a's, etc...perhaps in the coming age of Muppet renlightenment we will see more of these cool things.
Til then, we are bedouins with pork pie hats and rubber chickens in the endless desert of uncertainty. Err, at least the company is back where it belongs!