Yes I am a big Stooges fan. I included them in my list in the 50 best tv shows thread. The ones with Curly are my favorites. Shemp ones are pretty good, though. Loved the line when Shemp says to this big guy, "Hey! Those are fightin' words in my country!" The guy says, "Okay let's fight." And Shemp says, "Oh we're not in my country!" There was a simliar line with Curly. Curly says to a big guy, "Now I'm mad!" The guy, in an angry voice, says, "So?" Curly smiles and says, "So I ain't that mad!"
I also like Moe a lot. He and Curly are great together.
The Stooges are on 10am Sunday mornings in our area on UPN 57, as you probably already know. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk! Coitinly!
The sound effects were another thing that made this show so funny. My favorite sound effect was the sound a sharp object would make when it hit someone's rear end. It sounded kind of like, "Boy yoy yoy yoy yoy yoy!"