Is this from a channel like TVland that shows an episode each day from Monday through Friday? If so, hopefully you can tune in on Monday morning because the next episode after the paving the road one is the classic "Four of Spades" where Eb's old friend visits and sings the song "I got the four of spades". Real funny lyrics there.
I've watched some more season 3 on dvd shows, including "Arnold, Boy Hero".
"Oliver's Jaded Past" is pretty hilarious, where they take a vacation back in New York. Love that restaurant scene where Oliver's chair, martini, silverware, etc. keep being stolen. And it must have been at least a dozen times they called Oliver, "Mr. Cummings" and he'd angrily correct them. I mean, I know "Acres" likes to run things in the ground but this was really a lot even for them! Wow I love that show!
And the show called, "How to succed in television without really trying" is great. Dilly Watkins installed the "moo activated barn door alarm". But my favorite is the ending where Fred Ziffel hears Oliver on the radio (a result of another Watkins electronic contraption) and says, "Well I'll be doggoned. I got to hand it to Mr. Douglas. His tv show was a flop and now he's right back with his own radio program."
Oh by the way, the first Doris Ziffel was much funnier than the second, wouldn't you agree?