Any Ernst Fans?


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Oct 7, 2002
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Wow- that just got me thinking. Imagine Jim Varney meeting The Muppets! They could've done a great special right there- I can totally see Jim in full character as Ernest P. Worrell, somehow running into the Muppets and pledging to help them with some problem or another. And Ernest is so lovable and child-like (to a degree like PeeWee Herman- but maybe a bit more intelligent...)- he could mesh really well with The Muppets. I could see him either on Sesame Street or doing maybe a Christmas special or some other kind of special with The Muppet Show gang.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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You know, I always thought he could have been a MT guest in his character persona. :big_grin:

"It's Muppets Tonight with our very special guest star...Ernest!"


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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It would have worked really well, I think it would be upstaging at it's best. Ernest would always try to upstage the Muppets and the same with the Muppets.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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I have not yet read the rest of this thread - but I just want this on record: I think Jim Varney was a fantastic talent, and from all accounts I have heard and read, a really sweet, kind hearted man. And while for the most part we only miss those we actually met in real life, there are people who touched our lives in childhood or later in life, who we have never met...and Jim Varney is one of those celebrities who I miss the most.

By the way, he could do Shakespeare too! However, the type of slapstick and all other forms of comedy he did were not easy, and Jim was one of a kind.

In short, I am a big Ernest fan. My favorite is "Ernest Goes To Jail"!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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You are so right, and I'm glad you brought that up. I think he ust had such a way to make people feel good about themselfs that it made it easy for people to fall in love with him.

I also really miss im Varney almost more then I would Jim Henson. For the reason that you can still see almost all of Jim's muppets to this day doing something, or have done something since his death. When Jim Varney passed so did Ernest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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you can still see almost all of Jim's muppets to this day doing something, or have done something since his death. When Jim Varney passed so did Ernest.
And I think it would be even worse if someone tried to replace Jim as Ernest - one time I saw a video of someone else (after Jim Varney passed) trying to be Ernest, and there was a comment below it that answered concise, strong, loud, and clear: "Shameful." And rightly so; no offense to the guy who was hired to play Ernest...they know someone's getting a paycheck so they probably figured it may as well be them - but it just seems so disrespectful. So to say that I can't get into it is a gigantic understatement.

But like Jim H, Jim V's character Slinky Dog in Toy Story 3 is being portrayed by a new person, and the way I feel (with the little I know from the ad at least) is that it's probably as close as one could get to Jim V's version, and closer than I would have guessed anyone could. And though he has big shoes to fill, he's doing a very nice job, and I'm glad they kept Slinky Dog in it, after all. (I wonder if the penguin voiced by Robert Goulet is still in it, even though Robert has passed?)

And you are 100% right about how Jim Varney made his fans feel when we saw him on TV or in the movies! I say BRAVO to you for your kind words about him here! And that goes for everyone with a kind word for Jim Varney! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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That's how I want to pass... with my characters/creations passing with me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Blake Clark is the guy doing Slinky the Dog now. He has been in a few Adam Sandler Movies (Farmer Fran in Water boy) He also played Harry the hardware guy on Home Imrpovment. He really does sound a lot like Varney, so I think it will fit, or at least I hope it will.

Have any of you seen them play Ernest Goes to Jail on T,V? Well if you have then you know that there was added footage there. I know that there was an alternet ending and just some other added sense that didn't make the theatical movie. Point being is why do we not have any of this on DVD? They could have quite a few bonus material on all the Ernest movies. What do you all think?