Now after reading that story about 3 times it has made me wonder...Yeah like Care Bears they come and go and sometimes i see a t-shirt or somthing of them but, there NOT big n e more & the Muppets, we NEED MORE Muppet stuff like movies and DTV's and cartoon's and old shows back on Tv and and well i could go on 4 ever witch brings me to Disney....
Disney IS NOT a bad company i mean EVERY company has it problems (Vicom, WB etc..) there NO anglies them selfs thay all so have DTV's too like a WB, look they have all them Dtv's of Scooby Doo, and Universal with there 10,000's Land before Time movies!. And i know what your going to say "Disney is cheap now a days and, they make Mupppets in to little kid stuff and get rid of Steve or Erica or who ever, and we'll see MTI 2 or 3 or 4 and bla bla bla..." But do we ALL REALLY know this is a fact, and YES i did noteis that Disney did trun the Muppet DTV's (sing a longs etc..) but that was back in the 90's this is NOW, 2002!! and Jim wanted the Muppets to be Disney and be part of the Disney family, that was Jim's dream, i mean shouldn't we want what Jim wanted back them?!. I for one is behind Disney to finlly get the Muppets 100% (but ya'll have know me for 1 year know so i think u know lol)
And know brings me to the Winnie the Pooh thing: I mean look at him you can't get away from the guy (bear) he's EVERY were from toys, close, UNDERWARE (LOL), video's DVD's, DTV's tv shows specials etc ect... and see the Muppet could have ALL that they'd be right up there with Mickey and Pooh and the "Disney Princess" line of thing, look they have cereal, and juice box's and snakes i mean would u like to wake up in there morning and have Muppet cereal of "Muppet munchies" (Disney has cereal of Mickey's magix, and Pooh's Hunny B's and Pixar cereal od Buzz Lighyear and little school lunch thing for kids and adults!) wand wouldn't u like to havs Muppet juice box to drink at work or school? i would.
..... well i better stop before i blow a tpo LOL.