An Animated Sesame Street series

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I would not like to see the characters in situations that pits them against the personalities as we know them; however, I have wished for a weekly sitcom with the characters. Even if it were as The Munsters where the episode ended with a kind of moral.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Fozzie Bear said:
I would not like to see the characters in situations that pits them against the personalities as we know them; however, I have wished for a weekly sitcom with the characters. Even if it were as The Munsters where the episode ended with a kind of moral.

What would the point of the sitcom be? Why isn't it enough that we see them in their own show everyday? It also has lots of comedy. I just want to know what would be different about it. Not trying to step on your idea, Kev.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Fozzie Bear said:
I would not like to see the characters in situations that pits them against the personalities as we know them; however, I have wished for a weekly sitcom with the characters.
I meant something like that. They'd have the same personalities, but the jokes wouldn't be aimed at just kids. Something like BErt and Ernie style Perfect strangers or SNL type skits. Personally, I think the only ones that would really work outside the context of a Kids show well would be Grover vs. Fat Blue (i.e. Grover annoys him at a restaruant, or sells him something wrong) and Ernie and Bert. Maybe even Guy Smiley type game show satires.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Drtooth said:
I meant something like that. They'd have the same personalities, but the jokes wouldn't be aimed at just kids. Something like BErt and Ernie style Perfect strangers or SNL type skits. Personally, I think the only ones that would really work outside the context of a Kids show well would be Grover vs. Fat Blue (i.e. Grover annoys him at a restaruant, or sells him something wrong) and Ernie and Bert. Maybe even Guy Smiley type game show satires.

But what I'm saying is that they already do that on the show now. What could possibly be different? And what would the point be? It would never be more adult because that would be considered conflict of interest.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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What they do on SS is "skits," and not very many of them. On a Sitcom it would be an episode directed solely for a particular character and a particular story without interruptions from animated bits, etc. That's how it would be different.

Unfortunately, my discussion actually takes away from the thread's main topic which is about an animated series. I've muffined!

I liked the WB animation in Follow that Bird. I thought it was very neat and I wouldn't mind seeing more of that, especially on SS where they could take the characters a little further than with puppetry--but, with green-screen technology is it even anything that they need to bother with?

I once got a letter from Disney when I mentioned to them to have HA! (that's how long ago it was) create puppets of Mickey and the Gang and do some specials like that. they wrote back and said it wasn't in the integrity of the characters to produce a show with them as puppets. Therefore, it may not be within the integrity of taking puppets and producing them as 'toons.

However, some cool SS comic strips might be neat--or comics.