Hello, my name is Laurel, and I've been addicted to rubber chickens for, oh, a very long time now. I never had the courage to speak till tonight, but your stories have inspired me to come forward. I guess my low point came when I blew out the rear springs on my car what with so many chickens in the back seat. Or was it when I maxed out my credit cards on clothes for their little goosepimply bods? I am now in the 12-step Chicken Program and thanks to that I am down to one scrawny bird from K-mart, who dangles from my rearview mirror. What? This is the Age Thread? Oh - I'm turning 47 on Tuesday.Whatever said:Hello, my name's Beth, and I have a rubber chicken.
Remember that? One year later, same thread... Happy MC Anniversary! Have a muffin!Whatever said:Hi Beebers! Welcome to Muppet Central, where we tend to stray from the subjects and all things turn in the end to muffins! Or do I mean Muppets? Nah...
Something something something...Whatever said:Totally unprepared am I to face the world of men.
Timid and shy and scared am I
Of things beyond my ken...