asked for it!
Chapter 6
"Scooter? Scooter!" Piggy was running around the theater, looking for the gopher.
"Oh Kermie, I realized now that I said things that shouldn't have been said."
Kermit did a double take.
"Yes, and now I have to find Scooter and Annie so I can get them back together!"
"Well, Scooter's in the cafeteria, and Annie's in her dressing room."
And with that, Piggy and Kermit made a plan to get the two back together.
"Hello? Kermit? It's me, Scooter. You wanted to meet me here?"
Scooter entered the empty stage. The show had ended, and the seats were bare.
"Piggy? You needed to see me?"
Annie Sue entered from the other side of the stage.
Scooter's and Annie's eyes met for the first time in days.
"Hi Annie." Scooter said quietly.
"Hi Scooter." She replied.
After awhile, they began to talk, and were both sitting on the edge of the stage, next to each other.
"I'm sorry for the things I have said."
"But you didn't say anything."
".....oh yeah. I forgot."
"Yes Annie?"
"You're neat." She nestled her head on his shoulder.
Scooter smiled and rested his head on her head.
"'re swell Annie."
Little did both of them know, that two pairs of eyes were watching them.
"Like shooting two fish in a barrel, huh Kermie?"
She took his hand and squeezed it.
Kermit looked down at this, and squeezed back.
"You bet Piggy. You bet."