A tad odd....


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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I wish we had muppet sugar products here!

We dont have any edible muppet stuff.

cakes and biscuits and things may be bad for you but if the muppets are marketed on a certain product and someone keeps eating them and nothing else, and gets really fat and has all sorts of health problems , its their fault for eating them! not the muppets, we have control of our bodies! I dont like to hear about people suing for silly things like that, They know they are bad so they should know when to stop eating them.

Cigarettes are a different story though, I hate cigarettes and I think it would be great if they werent produced any more. I think people are silly when they have all the warnings on the packets atleast they do here and they still smoke! then they get cancer or something and they sue the company! Cigarettes only cause problems.

Sorry to change the subject there!

I dont like that muppet naval ring or whatever it is but I spose it would be ok on a certain person, Im just not a fan of piercings, they may be very safe these days but it is still possible to get an infection or disease.

Paul :smile: :concern:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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That's precisely my point. More people have developed complications (diabetes and obesity) from sugary foods than have had medical issues with piercing. Muppet belly rings are kind of odd, but I don't see anything wrong with them. It's someone's personal choice. I've seen some people making piercing look attractive and others have more metal in them than the Terminator. Everything's about personal choice and moderation. However, appropriate warnings are necessary (be it chemical additive information on Oreos or instruction pamphlets to accompany piercing). You know, I knew about the bad stuff in Oreos all along. I find our culture funny. People make sure there’s no MSG in their Chinese food, but eat massive amounts of it in Doritos. Chinese people must think we’re a little soft in the head. LOL!

I've never thought of piercing anything myself. Heck, I don't even believe in getting suntans. I personally find it a form of scarification, but don't see the problem with people doing it. I feel the same way about piercing and tattoos. I prefer to be a blank canvas. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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frogboy4 said:
I've never thought of piercing anything myself. Heck, I don't even believe in getting suntans. I personally find it a form of scarification, but don't see the problem with people doing it. I feel the same way about piercing and tattoos. I prefer to be a blank canvas. :big_grin:
I feel exactly the same way about those things, if we were meant to have a dark suntan or piercings or tatoos throughout our bodies we would have been born with them, lol :excited:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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But then again, I've never had any issues about coloring my hair. It's been just about every color you can think of until I settled on blonde. :eek: Everybody makes his or her own choices, but nothing's really shocking. Even those cork-sized ear piercings sometimes :zany: look good on the right people.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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frogboy4 said:
But then again, I've never had any issues about coloring my hair. It's been just about every color you can think of until I settled on blonde. :eek: Everybody makes his or her own choices, but nothing's really shocking. Even those cork-sized ear piercings sometimes :zany: look good on the right people.
I know what you mean, everyone is different and thats what makes the world an interesting place. Look at the muppets for example, each one is completely different, some are totally crazy, weird and wild looking but they are still accepted as normal. Even im looked upon as weird, lol!
:smile: :excited:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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radionate said:
Silly Kevin!
:embarrassed: :stick_out_tongue:

But, I have an excuse!!

See, without power, and only a little bit of time to use the computer, I just only can glance around some, so, like, then I see something and see it again and didn't commit anything to memory so, you know, I just, you know, um, was 'thinking.'

I think.

Yeah, that sounds good...
Piercings and tatoos are turn-offs for me. If it's what folks like to do, go for it; but, they don't look good to me.

OH! I have this one cousin in Mississippi (a redneck, from Potts Camp!), and she has one of those high frizzed hair-sprayed hair-do's and earings running up her ear. She wears a ring on each finger--those little $2.00 rings like you get at the gazebo shops at the mall...or Fred's Dollar Store. But her ear freaks me out. It's not even both ears, just the one!

She also wet on my leg when she was a baby. :mad:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Then Sarah wins!

Nate, send her some Buzz-schwag!! C.O.D.

(For those that don't know, that's freebies from the radio station!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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frogboy4 said:
I find Muppets pushing sugar products to be more offensive because such items can lead to health problems for people.
Oh... and I'd bet anyone would actually buy Muppet organically grown Celery instead.... :boo:

No ,matter if the cookies are shaped like the Muppets, Looney Toons, Peanuts, or Larry and Balki of Perfect strangers, they are NOT pushing sugar! If someone is pretty much incompetant and eats sugar and stuff withOUT knowing the dangers, and complaining about their health, they shouldn't eat that stuff period. These dumba** lawsuits outlawing this stuff for people who want to indulge now and again (or like me who just don't care) are pretty much gunking up the court systems for REAL problems like Drug dealers and crooks who cause more pain and suffering than a small cookie shaped like Kermit.

It's this kind of thinking that made Cookie Monster eat healthy foods... of course, at least he had a snappy song about it!

People are in charge of their own choices. Just because they make Muppet cookies doesn't mean the starbucks people are making you buy them (and they are 2.50 each, so you only get one cookie for a high price, stopping someone from gorging on huge packs of generic Oreos). I do not wish to buy these cookies, myself, I'd rather get a box of Nemo or Dexter cookies, pace myself ( a serving a day, share it with someone, maybe) and keep the box it came in as a collectible souvenire. Besides, for 50 cents more, you can get a nice puppet on top of a candy cane, throw the cane away, and still have the puppet...

But the piercings just creep me out. I mean, I could see Kermit buying a cookie shaped like himself, but he would NOT buy a toungue stud with his face on it... he'd probably faint at the sight of it...

I can't be involved with producst the characters would be against themselves.