But although "ThunderCats" didn't really have a separate "very special message" at the end or anything, they most always had a positive moral value taught in every episode and that usually was addressed by the end of the episode.
Wilykit- So you mean if I had told the truth about accidentally ripping Tygra's whip and not made up that story about Sslithe breaking into the lair and stealing it- we wouldn't have been lured out into the open like that and led into Mumm-Ra's trap and could have avoided this whole thing?
Lion-O - That's right, Wilykit. Just remember, we can replace Tygra's whip because he has an insurance policy on it. And like we always say, honesty is the best policy!
Snarf- Snarf, Snarf.
(All laugh uproariously for a solid 5 minutes over something that isn't that terribly funny at all.)

(However- despite the seeming corniness at times- it is important to be honest because lying is a sin. So I'm not joking about that part. But I couldn't resist having a little fun with those classic PSA moments. Haha- I still love that show. I wish more cartoons today, corny or not, had positive moral messages like that.)