Actually, that was a different clip.
A little boy with an afro rides his bicycle against a white background, accompanied by a sort of slow jazz riff. He first sees a bus made entirely from a psychadelic fish. He passes a female hippo on a pogo stick. He then stops at a strange grandfather's clock. Birds come out of it, fly around and go back in with a strange "kookada kookada kookada--DING!" sound effect.
Boy: "I think I'm lost."
He rides some more, passes a monkey and a dog bowing to each other as if they were going to dance. He stops at a building that would be right at home in a backdrop of "Yellow Submarine". The building flashes different colors and the chimneys whistle.
Boy: "I'm lost, I'm really lost."
The boy rides some more, and comes to a fountain made from live animals. The frogs and mice take turns spouting the water.
Boy: "I don't like it here. I must really be lost good."
Just then, a yo-yo appears "sleeps", and a potbellied man steps out of the string as though he were stepping out of another dimension. He has a purple face, a Dr. Teeth-like grin, a green suit, top hat, and skinny legs.
Boy: "Wow!"
Man: "How'd you get here?"
Boy: "Oh, well, let's see. First I passed a stray clock..." (The man morphs into the clock shape, but his face remains in the cuckoo's door)...then I passed the Plastic House...(Man morphs into the building, complete with the whistling sounds, and his face appears where the front doors would be)...and then I passed the Animal Fountain...(Man morphs into the Animal Fountain, with his face in the middle)...and then you came along. Can you help me get unlost?"
Man: "Well, you should figure it out for yourself, little guy, but I'll give you a hint."
Boy: "Oh, thank you!"
Man: "Try to remember everything you pass, but when you go back, make the first thing the last." The man then spins his yo-yo, flings it at a high angle, and the yo-yo string pulls him into oblivion, as though he is going back to his own dimension. "Ha Haaaaa!"
Boy: "Wow!"
Man: (voice echoing from the other dimension) "Yeah."
Boy: "Try to remember everything I pass, but when I go back, make the first thing the last...I get it! I just go back past all those weird things again until I'm home. That's it!" (The boy gets on his bicycle, and rides the other way, passing the objects, which now include a dog with a stopwatch and a lizardlike creature in hippie clothes playing the banjo. The hippo is now sitting on the ground).
Behind your face there is a place, it's called your brains or your mind. If you can (keep the beat?) inside, oh what wonderful things you'll find...bwee-doop, bwee-doop, bwee-dooooo"
Boy arrives at his house, leaves his bike out front, walks up the stairs and says "Hi, Ma! Boy, was I lost!"
One of my all-time favorite clips!

Convincing John