Considering the latest current events, I would LOVE to update this story... but I SO cannot even think of implying that it will happen until at least June. I mean, yes, I have survived the vicious beast that is college and clawed my way through graduation, but that means my entire apartment has been dumped into a single bedroom, and I kind of need to do something about that. Plus there's this big Florida vacation coming up for my sister's wedding and Disney World and such... And somewhere in there, well, suffice it to say that my grandmother's days are numbered. So I am very busy and very stressed, and even though I had plenty of HoG-related thoughts while watching Obama give us the news, and even though just today I passed several streets for which some of the characters were named (what? I gotta get names from somewhere, don't I?)... yeah... it'll have to wait at LEAST until June, along with... well, most of my writing. But don't worry. This story is not dead. It just had to bow to the superior forces of school, life, and Rick Riordan. ...Er, that is... yeah. Yeah, actually, that's about it. I like reading. Is nourishment for the brain. And I am now rambly, and starting to think in a funny accent (which makes it really hard not to TYPE in a funny accent), both of which are very good indicators that it's time to resume the all-important task of catching up on sleep. I have pulled lots and lots of all-nighters lately. And now I don't have to! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha.
...I... am crazed. Yeah. That about sums it up. I'm gonna stop typing now so I can stop scaring you with my loony-ness and start getting ready for bed. Okay? Okay. Bye-bye now. Bye-bye.