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A Heart of Gold


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<Throws water balloon at Ed> <misses> ...<shrugs>
Hush you! I have jobs to apply for! I have thank you notes to write! I have um... A room to clean! And clothes to put away! And voice lessons to practice for, and um... Oh! And I gotta get those pictures developed to send those letters and uh... <ahem> I'll go crawl under my rock now.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Rock? Don't mind if I do.
And don't think we're taking this thread nor your talents for granite.
You should be a little boulder and post more story.
Otherwise, the marbles you have might get lost.

OK, enough bad jokes. Robin, get her!
*Robin goes in and starts tickling Lisa continuously until she posts more story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Better you squee here than over in the latest chapter of Kermie's Girl Aunt Ru posted.
You should check it out, I think you'll be pleased with the two new people who arrived at Vegas. One of them I think is even a third of you. How's that possible? Don't ask me, that's a math problem not even I can solve.

*Robin keeps tickling Lisa until more story gets posted.
Good job scout Robin, don't let up, we need more story soon!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Awww shucks!

That's all I have to say...

No it's not. More please!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ah. Here it is. *ahem* *takes opportunity to reclaim penguin cannon that was his to begin with* *fires penguins* That be fair warnin' to ye, lass! Post more or we'll shanghai the lot of ye!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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OH NO! My half is firing penguins at me! I must DO something! I need a... a... a DIVERSION! Yes! Diversion. Ummmmm... <tap dances>


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Tap dancing ain't gonna do it, Lisa.

Believe me, I've tried. The flightless water birds just keep on a coming.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Fifty

Kermit and Miss Piggy trudged up the stairs, each with an arm around the other.

"I don't want to leave," Kermit whispered.

Miss Piggy nodded. "I know," she whispered.

They reached her bedroom and turned to each other, with Kermit's arms pulling her tight. "Piggy," he murmured, setting his head on her chest. "I love you," he whispered. "I'll be your husband." There was a promise in his voice, and his arms told her he refused to let go.

"Oui Kermie," she whispered, with a kiss on his head. "I'll be your wife," she breathed.

He squeezed her for a long moment, kissed her cheek, and reluctantly ushered her towards her door. "Sleep well, Piggy," he murmured.

She touched his cheek. "Sweet dreams, Mon Capitan," she whispered. She hesitated, cupped his face in her hands, kissed him once, and vanished into her room.

For a long moment, longer than she could have known, Kermit stood there and looked at her door. Then he turned and slowly walked towards his own room, aware of many stares but acknowledging none of them. He had just reached his door when-



The entire house snapped to attention at the sound of loud wails echoing from Miss Piggy's room. Bedroom doors opened and heads peered out.

Kermit bolted to her door and opened it without knocking and her lights were off and her vanity was broken in half and she had collapsed on the floor in front of it, bawling, and he dropped to his knees beside her and scooped her into his arms, hushing, comforting, calming, soothing, as best he could- which, in his mind, considering her state of distress, was not very well at all.

The Muppets crowded by her doorway, trying to peek in.

"I WANT TO HELP!" she sobbed against his shoulder. "I WANT TO... TAKE WHAT'S HURTING YOU, AND DESTROY IT! ...But I CAN'T..." She whimpered against him. "It's INSIDE of you..."

He held her close and rubbed her back, and when the light from the hallway hit him just right, those in the hallway could see that Miss Piggy was not the only one in that room who was crying.

Her wails settled into whimpers, and she pressed her face into him. "It's your heart, Kermie," she whispered. "Your heart..."

He squeezed her tighter, but pulled back to look at her. "My... heart?"

She nodded, sprinkling tears onto his chest. "Your heart!" she whimpered. "You have- a heart of gold, Kermie. Of purest... solid..." Her tears interrupted her for a brief moment. "...And you can't stand to have it tarnished," she finally whispered.

He slowly pressed his lips firmly against her cheek and held her there.

"That's why it hurts you so," she whispered. "That's why it haunts you! You just..." She sighed out a few more tears. "It's because you're so wonderful," she breathed, "And it's nothing any of us can change..."

He pulled her even tighter and tucked his face down towards her neck, burying himself in her hair.

She squeezed him. "Mon Capitan," she whispered under her breath. She could feel his tears against her skin, and her own tears against his. "The only one who can't forgive you is you," she breathed. "...And it's not fair!"

He slowly pulled her to her feet, guided her to her bed, and laid her down. He gave her one soft, tender kiss, and gently brushed away her tears. "Piggy," he murmured. "I love you..." He kissed her cheek twice. "We're going to be married, Piggy. I promise." He set his cheek against hers. "I promise..."

She whimpered and kissed his cheek. "I know, Kermie," she whispered, and then her tears began again.

He urgently wiped the tears away. "Piggy..."

She kissed him and held him close. "Kermie," she whispered. "I want you to be happy..."

He pressed his cheek against hers. "I will be, Piggy," he whispered earnestly.

"Promise?" she whispered.

He pressed his cheek even more firmly against hers. "Promise," he breathed.

She took his face in her hands and lifted it, so she could look into his eyes. "Do what it takes, Kermie," she whispered. "Promise me?"

He nodded solemnly. "I promise, Piggy," he whispered. "I will."

She kissed him softly and gently rubbed his back. "I'm okay now, Kermie," she whispered.

"You're sure?"

She nodded.

He pressed his face into her neck, seeking truth. "Piggy."

"For the night," she whispered quickly. "And you need to sleep, too."

He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Now that, I won't promise," he whispered.

"I didn't ask," she whispered. She kissed his cheek.

He kissed her cheek. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," she whispered.

He kissed her forehead. "Sleep well, darling..."

"I'll try," she sighed.

"So will I," he murmured. He brushed his hand over her cheek once more, just to make sure she had really stopped crying, and reluctantly slipped away.

He turned to the door and was suddenly reminded, the hard way, exactly how many people lived in the house.

One face in the crowd stood out to him, maybe because it was the closest, or maybe because it was the shortest, or maybe because he had all ready tucked it into bed an hour ago.

Kermit scooped his nephew into his arms and, without a word to anyone, took the young frog back to his bedroom, where both of them stayed for the rest of the night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

Kermit woke up for the sixth or seventh time since first falling asleep on his nephew's bed.

The Eyes.

Oh, he thought to himself lamely. It must be morning.

The Eyes were struck with fear. The Eyes began to crystallize with a basic, dreaded understanding.

He took his slow, deep breaths, and slowly pushed The Eyes away, but The Eyes were a little more resistant today. The Eyes were watching him, waiting, waiting for him to decide.

He firmly pushed The Eyes away.

He looked at the sleeping little frog beside him, sighed, gave him a light kiss on the top of his head, and went to his bedroom to retrieve the flag. He brought it outside, raised it, and came back into the family room.

"You don't look like you've slept much," Rowlf said quietly from his place at the piano.

Kermit sighed. "I haven't," he said. He stood at the window near the piano. "I don't know what to do, Rowlf," he said quietly.

Rowlf nodded. "Well," he said quietly, "Like the Major said, Kermit... It's your choice. I can tell you what I'd like, and what everyone in this house would like... But it might not be the right thing."

"But how can I just leave?" Kermit turned to face him. "How can I... Propose to Piggy, and then just leave? How can I miss another day of Robin's life? I... I need you guys."

Rowlf solemnly held his gaze for a moment, looked down at the keys, and sighed. "We'd be here when you got back, Kermit," he whispered huskily.

Kermit gulped and looked away. "If," he whispered.

"You know..." Rowlf looked up. "If you look at it proportionally, we really haven't had too many casualties. You've got better chances of coming home than not."

Kermit gulped and forced himself to nod.

Rowlf looked at the keys for a long time. "I probably won't like the outcome of me saying this," he whispered.

Kermit turned and looked at him. "Saying what?" he asked quietly.

Rowlf looked up. "Think about it long-term," he said quietly. "Think of ten, twenty years from now."

Kermit frowned and began to think.

Rowlf turned back to the keys. "It'll... probably be different for... if we win or not..."

Kermit gulped and frowned at the window for a very long time.

Finally, as the house was beginning to buzz with activity, he whispered, "How would I tell my Mom?"

Rowlf looked up.

"How would I tell anyone in the swamp?" Kermit said. "Or Rivers? I'd hate to leave him-" He stopped. "I mean-" He turned to Rowlf. "The three of us were together when..." He sighed and shook his head. "He'd be the only one home."

"Maybe you should talk to Bob," Rowlf quietly suggested.

Kermit nodded. "Maybe I should." He turned, took a few steps, stopped, and came back. "I can't tell him over the phone," he said. "He told me in person. I should do the same."

"Well then," Rowlf said, "I guess you should arrange that." He was quiet for a moment. "Does that mean you've decided?" he whispered.

Kermit gulped. "I don't know," he whispered. "...But I promised Piggy I would be happy."

"She give you any time specifications on that?" Rowlf asked.

Kermit scrunched his face up. "Why do you ask?"

Rowlf said nothing, but nodded towards the Christmas tree they had put up a week ago.

Kermit frowned.

"There's a sudden lack in the spirit of it in this house," Rowlf explained. "So I was just wondering if she wants you to be happy for the sake of Christmas, or if she meant forever."

Kermit thought about it. "I think she meant forever," he whispered. "But I wouldn't mind being happy for Christmas, too."

"Most people wouldn't," Rowlf said.

"I'm glad I didn't wait until Christmas morning to ask her," Kermit said. "It would've felt like I was ducking out." Something dawned on him, and he turned to the dog. "Rowlf," he whispered. "That's what the press will think."

Rowlf looked up, and realized that his amphibian friend was right.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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TogetherAgain said:
Chapter Fifty
<whistles> That's a big number.

Kermit and Miss Piggy trudged up the stairs, each with an arm around the other.

"I don't want to leave," Kermit whispered.

Miss Piggy nodded. "I know," she whispered.
<whimpers> Ohhhh... this is sad. So hard for Kermit and Piggyy, and everyone really.

They reached her bedroom and turned to each other, with Kermit's arms pulling her tight. "Piggy," he murmured, setting his head on her chest. "I love you," he whispered. "I'll be your husband." There was a promise in his voice, and his arms told her he refused to let go.

"Oui Kermie," she whispered, with a kiss on his head. "I'll be your wife," she breathed.
<grins> I'm sure this comes as a shock but... WHEEEEEEEEEE! Ushy gushy! I love the love, and even though it's very sad, the strength of that promise is absolutely heartening. See? Listen to the ushy gushy girl bouncing around in her cage. Someone's let her have the caffeine again.

He squeezed her for a long moment, kissed her cheek, and reluctantly ushered her towards her door. "Sleep well, Piggy," he murmured.

She touched his cheek. "Sweet dreams, Mon Capitan," she whispered. She hesitated, cupped his face in her hands, kissed him once, and vanished into her room.
You've never see the storm coming, would you? Well, they're both trying so hard to be strong through this.

For a long moment, longer than she could have known, Kermit stood there and looked at her door. Then he turned and slowly walked towards his own room, aware of many stares but acknowledging none of them. He had just reached his door when-
Ah, I do so love him standing there, just watching her door... well, he's looking at the door, but it's plain as day his thoughts are behind it. You've done a great job in setting up suspense here, with all those stares, and you don't lose that, even after the upcoming climax of this chapter. Kermit seems very much the isolated leader here, carrying his burden, a more personal one than it usually is, all on his own. Remember Kermit, that no frog is an island, whatever Simon and Garfunkel might have said.


And we have climax!

The entire house snapped to attention at the sound of loud wails echoing from Miss Piggy's room. Bedroom doors opened and heads peered out.
Awww, my poor girl. What's Lisa doing to you?

Kermit bolted to her door and opened it without knocking and her lights were off and her vanity was broken in half and she had collapsed on the floor in front of it, bawling, and he dropped to his knees beside her and scooped her into his arms, hushing, comforting, calming, soothing, as best he could- which, in his mind, considering her state of distress, was not very well at all.
Well, at least she's giving you a lot of loving frog attention. I'm... hoping that Kermit gets something out of this too. It really could go either way. He tries to comfort her, which, though I'm sure he doesn't count it as such, is another burden (Which is why Piggy tried to keep it away from him) but on the other hand, at least he can see he's not alone. What a horrendous dcision to wrestle with.

The Muppets crowded by her doorway, trying to peek in.

"I WANT TO HELP!" she sobbed against his shoulder. "I WANT TO... TAKE WHAT'S HURTING YOU, AND DESTROY IT! ...But I CAN'T..." She whimpered against him. "It's INSIDE of you..."
<whimper> It's always sort of shaking to see a strong person helpless in the face of trouble. There are so many different kinds of struggle.

He held her close and rubbed her back, and when the light from the hallway hit him just right, those in the hallway could see that Miss Piggy was not the only one in that room who was crying.
GAH! Stabby mc Stabber! Ouuuuuchie! Beautiful... in an anguishing sort of way. Oh, but she's not done yet!

Her wails settled into whimpers, and she pressed her face into him. "It's your heart, Kermie," she whispered. "Your heart..."

He squeezed her tighter, but pulled back to look at her. "My... heart?"

She nodded, sprinkling tears onto his chest. "Your heart!" she whimpered. "You have- a heart of gold, Kermie. Of purest... solid..." Her tears interrupted her for a brief moment. "...And you can't stand to have it tarnished," she finally whispered.
Wow... well... we have a title. And a really gorgeous one no less. It's quite a good assessment of Kermit, at least through Piggy's eyes... and I like that whether she says it out loud or not. Piggy knows what Kermit's decision will be before he does.

He slowly pressed his lips firmly against her cheek and held her there.

"That's why it hurts you so," she whispered. "That's why it haunts you! You just..." She sighed out a few more tears. "It's because you're so wonderful," she breathed, "And it's nothing any of us can change..."
How often do great strengths become great weaknesses in differeing circumstances. Well, I don't really mean weakness I think... but character strengths can hurt us deeply... and to escape them is to escape yourself.

He pulled her even tighter and tucked his face down towards her neck, burying himself in her hair.

She squeezed him. "Mon Capitan," she whispered under her breath. She could feel his tears against her skin, and her own tears against his. "The only one who can't forgive you is you," she breathed. "...And it's not fair!"
Rage, rage against the dying of the light, Piggy. Can't stop things from happening though, fair or not. He is who he is, and that's why she loves him... and yeah.. it's not fair... but it... is.

He slowly pulled her to her feet, guided her to her bed, and laid her down. He gave her one soft, tender kiss, and gently brushed away her tears. "Piggy," he murmured. "I love you..." He kissed her cheek twice. "We're going to be married, Piggy. I promise." He set his cheek against hers. "I promise..."
And of course Kermit comforts her in the only way he can... with that uncompromising belief that he has in... well... I suppose the happiness of the muppet's future. He knows what she likes to hear, and it's really all that he can give her. Certainly no promise not to leave... just the main things, the important things. It's courageous of him, and very telling of his character... that long suffering quality in the face of trouble. It contrasts nicely with Piggy's reaction to the situation, though I should point out that it's easier to go through a situation yourself then watch someone you love suffer.

She whimpered and kissed his cheek. "I know, Kermie," she whispered, and then her tears began again.
Oh, great character moment. Love the contrast between her words... once again trying to be strong... and her actions... weeping.

He urgently wiped the tears away. "Piggy..."

She kissed him and held him close. "Kermie," she whispered. "I want you to be happy..."
Not all tears are an evil, Kermit. (Yeesh, I'm quoting everyone today.) There's some things he just can't control. You're gonna have to let them be afraid for you, whether you like it or not.

He pressed his cheek against hers. "I will be, Piggy," he whispered earnestly.

"Promise?" she whispered.

He pressed his cheek even more firmly against hers. "Promise," he breathed.
Dangerous promise, Kermit.

She took his face in her hands and lifted it, so she could look into his eyes. "Do what it takes, Kermie," she whispered. "Promise me?"

He nodded solemnly. "I promise, Piggy," he whispered. "I will."
That promise hits me quite a bit more forcefully... because she's not asking him to be safe... she's asking him to be happy, and the one is NOT the other. It's... a very touching demand.

She kissed him softly and gently rubbed his back. "I'm okay now, Kermie," she whispered.

"You're sure?"

She nodded.

He pressed his face into her neck, seeking truth. "Piggy."

"For the night," she whispered quickly. "And you need to sleep, too."
And it does her a world of good. They've got SO much faith in each other. I like faith. It's a wonderful thing, in the right places. Terrible thing, when misplaced.

He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Now that, I won't promise," he whispered.

"I didn't ask," she whispered. She kissed his cheek.
<grins> Know when to draw the line with promises, you too.

He kissed her cheek. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," she whispered.

He kissed her forehead. "Sleep well, darling..."

"I'll try," she sighed.

"So will I," he murmured. He brushed his hand over her cheek once more, just to make sure she had really stopped crying, and reluctantly slipped away.
<ushy gushy girl sighs contentedly and stops rattling bars>

He turned to the door and was suddenly reminded, the hard way, exactly how many people lived in the house.
Needed that laugh, thank you! Works too, to remind that Kermit is loved by a whole slew of wierd and wonderful beings.

One face in the crowd stood out to him, maybe because it was the closest, or maybe because it was the shortest, or maybe because he had all ready tucked it into bed an hour ago.
Fabulous identification of Robin. No name, just him... hardly any description at all, but no doubt as to who that face belongs too. Awesome.

Kermit woke up for the sixth or seventh time since first falling asleep on his nephew's bed.

The Eyes.

Oh, he thought to himself lamely. It must be morning.
<shudders> Sleepless night, and a waking nightmare.

The Eyes were struck with fear. The Eyes began to crystallize with a basic, dreaded understanding.

He took his slow, deep breaths, and slowly pushed The Eyes away, but The Eyes were a little more resistant today. The Eyes were watching him, waiting, waiting for him to decide.
Creepy image. Very very creepy. Keeps the tension up nicely though.

He firmly pushed The Eyes away.

He looked at the sleeping little frog beside him, sighed, gave him a light kiss on the top of his head, and went to his bedroom to retrieve the flag. He brought it outside, raised it, and came back into the family room.
Like the reminder of Kermit's patriotic routine, and the contrast in Robin's innocence... and the shredded remnants of Kermit's. He might heal... but he'll bear the scars of this all his life.

"You don't look like you've slept much," Rowlf said quietly from his place at the piano.
You don't say.

Kermit sighed. "I haven't," he said. He stood at the window near the piano. "I don't know what to do, Rowlf," he said quietly.
Like fun. Sure you do. You just don't want to do it. Like EVERYONE does. We say we don't know... but we know, even if we hate it, at least, in many cases.

Rowlf nodded. "Well," he said quietly, "Like the Major said, Kermit... It's your choice. I can tell you what I'd like, and what everyone in this house would like... But it might not be the right thing."

"But how can I just leave?" Kermit turned to face him. "How can I... Propose to Piggy, and then just leave? How can I miss another day of Robin's life? I... I need you guys."
<sniffle> They need him too, of course, but they need him whole... or at least, in the long run, that's what they need. It's certainly what he needs.

Rowlf solemnly held his gaze for a moment, looked down at the keys, and sighed. "We'd be here when you got back, Kermit," he whispered huskily.

Kermit gulped and looked away. "If," he whispered.
Oh, dear Rowlf and his husky voice! If... way to cheer him up, Kermit! But... he needed this. Someone he feels a little bit less obligated to shelter whether that sheltering is genuine (Robin) or a mutual known deception. (Piggy)

"You know..." Rowlf looked up. "If you look at it proportionally, we really haven't had too many casualties. You've got better chances of coming home than not."

Kermit gulped and forced himself to nod.

Rowlf looked at the keys for a long time. "I probably won't like the outcome of me saying this," he whispered.
Love that regret on Rowlf's part, right after the optimism. The scariness of heading back there... I think it's scarier than the possibility of him not coming back in some ways. Physical injury is one thing, but it doesn't hold a candle to emotional injury, though they often go hand in hand.

Kermit turned and looked at him. "Saying what?" he asked quietly.

Rowlf looked up. "Think about it long-term," he said quietly. "Think of ten, twenty years from now."

Kermit frowned and began to think.

Rowlf turned back to the keys. "It'll... probably be different for... if we win or not..."
I don't know if Rowlf is meaning to imply two different battles here, but he is. It's very striking... the actual war, and KErmit's own battle for his soul.

Kermit gulped and frowned at the window for a very long time.

Finally, as the house was beginning to buzz with activity, he whispered, "How would I tell my Mom?"
<shivers> Poor Kermit. No easy decision.

"Maybe you should talk to Bob," Rowlf quietly suggested.

Kermit nodded. "Maybe I should." He turned, took a few steps, stopped, and came back. "I can't tell him over the phone," he said. "He told me in person. I should do the same."
Like that thoughtfulness on Kermit's part.

"Well then," Rowlf said, "I guess you should arrange that." He was quiet for a moment. "Does that mean you've decided?" he whispered.

Kermit gulped. "I don't know," he whispered. "...But I promised Piggy I would be happy."
Oh, yes you do. That promise is quite binding.

"She give you any time specifications on that?" Rowlf asked.
You never know with Piggy.:wink: Like that line.

Kermit scrunched his face up. "Why do you ask?"

Rowlf said nothing, but nodded towards the Christmas tree they had put up a week ago.

Kermit frowned.

"There's a sudden lack in the spirit of it in this house," Rowlf explained. "So I was just wondering if she wants you to be happy for the sake of Christmas, or if she meant forever."
<smiles> He's such a good, wise dog... and I hate what this means for them all.

Kermit thought about it. "I think she meant forever," he whispered. "But I wouldn't mind being happy for Christmas, too."

"Most people wouldn't," Rowlf said.
Don't blame you, Kermit.

"I'm glad I didn't wait until Christmas morning to ask her," Kermit said. "It would've felt like I was ducking out." Something dawned on him, and he turned to the dog. "Rowlf," he whispered. "That's what the press will think."

Rowlf looked up, and realized that his amphibian friend was right.
<wince> <nods> So they will... all of Piggy's claims in the past will come back to bite her in a bad way, and very very publically too. It's going to be very rough for her.

<hugs> Wonderful chapter Lisa... very thought provoking, as this whole story is, and certainly worth a little heartbreak.