My latest puppet attempts can be found here:
The first one, a disturbing Ernie/Nicky look-alike, was influenced by Buck's wedge construction mentioned on his website. Using a permanent marker and some synthetic hair samples some people sent me, I added the eyes and nose, and the hair. And gee did it look like Ernie - was very scary!
And on the right is the Penguin... looking pretty much how I imagined him to be perfectly honest. Not what you would expect, especially coming after the Henson penguins, which had pointy beaks. "More dodo-like" someone said to me about my go.
Which looking at it again, I'd agree with, I may try giving the beak another go but more pointy. The beak is actually completely seperate from the head, so I will build a seperate pointy beak which can be chanageable... probably with the final puppet as well.
You'll notice that nothing is *finished* because I am merely experimenting so expect more polished and better looking *final* versions soon.
I'm getting the hang of this puppet thing... I think...