I don't get this. You don't have to get in to a bidding war. Put in your highest price you are willing to pay and forget it. e-Bay will automatically bid it up to the point of your highest price. A so-called bidding war is the only way for the original seller to get true market value for this priceless Muppet memorabilia. And if I were the original seller I don't think I'd sell it to you if the original buyer doesn't come through. I'd offer it to the second highest bidder. You refusing to "get into a bidding war" does nothing for the seller to achieve the true market price. Just a small rant from an experienced e-Bay seller.
Anyway, congrats to simoragn for getting a great price! I put in my bid but was outbid as well.
first of all, I'm over this now. second, me refusing to go into an bidding war, and offering to buy an item straight from the seller, is none of your bees wax. and sometimes you do have to get into a bidding war, I choose not to. I learned my lesson many times , it is frustrating. anyway, I'm sure that another one will show up. but in the meantime, I will focus on getting things for my sewing space, and other things.