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  1. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    I will post more tomorrow.
  2. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    I have a short chapter here, so.... Chapter 8: Surprise! "Oh, you're dying alright," said Hopper, satisfied, "as well as all your friends. But, with all the pain you've caused me, you and your friends are dying slow painful deaths at the hands of a maniac." All the doors closed and locked...
  3. Powerstars

    Positive And Negative: Kermit's Swamp Years (Opinions on KSY)

    I do love when Kermit bursts into the Swedish Chef.
  4. Powerstars

    Positive And Negative: Kermit's Swamp Years (Opinions on KSY)

    YOU ARE ALL TO BLAME!!! *Eats :oops: whole*
  5. Powerstars

    Positive And Negative: Kermit's Swamp Years (Opinions on KSY)

    What have you done to my thread? Time to bring this baby back on topic! *fires :search::p:(:insatiable::wisdom::grouchy::super::batty: everywhere* Now, the final storm!!!! *fires :laugh::laugh::laugh:*
  6. Powerstars

    Positive And Negative: Kermit's Swamp Years (Opinions on KSY)

    Well, this is my second "Positive and Negative" thread, after Elmo In Grouchland. This movie is better to me, but it still has it's problems. Shall we discuss it? PROS: -Seeing Young Kermit -The Special Features on the DVD -Some good jokes -The story -Croaker, etc. CONS: -POTTY JOKES...
  7. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    Chapter 7: The Break-In "Okay guys, it's settled, we have to save Walter," said Kermit. "But first, we should get the whole gang together." "How will that help?" asked Scooter. "Oh, more readers," replied Kermit. "Ah." "Well," asked Kermit, "does anyone have anything to add?" "WAL-TER...
  8. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    New chapter should be tonight or tomorrow.
  9. Powerstars

    New Muppet movie in development for potential 2013 release

    Disney would be pretty Waldorf'd.
  10. Powerstars

    The most tear-jerking Muppet moment...

    Yeah, it was my least favorite theatrical film, but I almost cried there.
  11. Powerstars

    The most tear-jerking Muppet moment...

    MCC where Tiny Tim *spoiler alert* dies.
  12. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    Chapter 6: Depression, Happiness, and Shock! The Muppets stood outside the hospital for quite some time. They had failed. Hopper had Kermit (They think) and now Walter. They no longer had a logical leader to take charge. They decided to go to bed, their heads full of sorrow and disappointment...
  13. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    Don't worry. I will. Thanks for the positive feedback, guys!
  14. Powerstars

    New Muppet movie in development for potential 2013 release

    The new Muppet film: I guess people sorta forgot about me :fanatic:: The world hasn't forgotten, all ya need to do is show 'em again! Yeah Bobin. Show us. Nao.
  15. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    Chapter 5: An Almost Ironic Twist Kermit snuck off, and made it back to his house, so he could rest. He certainly wasn't taking any "medicine." If he was going to face Doc Hopper again, he was going to need a speech, and frogs can't prepare speeches without resting. It was getting late, so...
  16. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    *Noms Banana Muffin* That's some motivation to continue, alright!
  17. Powerstars

    An Unlikely Reunion (The Muppets)

    Ah! Thank you!
  18. Powerstars

    When a Muppet says...

  19. Powerstars

    When a Muppet says...

    Also, "Friends do NOT spy!"