Search results

  1. HeraLirambar

    A BIG Happy Birthday to our beloved Jerry!

    Happy Birthday! You rule! :sing: Seriously, you're great and talented and stuff. ^_^
  2. HeraLirambar

    What are your favorite bands?

    Will do! :)
  3. HeraLirambar

    What are your favorite bands?

    I'm not quite a fan of punk music yet, but I'd like to get into it. What the hey, I'll listen to my Green Day album now. (Are they punk or ska? What would you classify them as? I'm no good at that!) :crazy:
  4. HeraLirambar

    What are your favorite bands?

    Dude... are you my long lost twin brother or something? I like classical and broadway and hate rap and country, too!
  5. HeraLirambar

    Animaniacs Fans!! Lookie Lookie!

    That is so great! Wow! I luv Walmart; they always have great videos! I wonder if "King Yakko" is on any of those videos. Thanx fer the info! :D :D :D
  6. HeraLirambar

    What are your favorite bands?

    System of a Down! I forgot System of a Down!
  7. HeraLirambar

    Whose Birthday?

    Fourth. Happy Birthday!
  8. HeraLirambar

    What Would You DO?

    Could you maybe talk to a counselor?
  9. HeraLirambar

    Has anyone else...

    My older bro's in the navy. And he's pretty far away from where I live. But I'm going to be seeing him like, this month or next! I forget which :smirk: ... In the navy... heh heh
  10. HeraLirambar

    Harry Potter and the order of the phoniex

    Uh... this post may contain spoilers? *Shrugs* Must say, best one I've read so far. I love Gred and Forge. I mean Fred and George. I'd marry them, but I'd never be able to decide which one I want. I also love McGonagal- but, uh, not like in the way I F&G. And I luv Sirius and Remus and...
  11. HeraLirambar

    You know you'll miss me.

    Well, make it two. Come back Chris! I miss you! It's so sane here without you! Okay, that's a big fat lie. Even if this forum was sapped dry of all penguins and muffins, it still wouldn't be sane... but that's beside the point. Huh, huh, huh. Road. Ro-Ad.
  12. HeraLirambar

    Am I Freaking Out...?

    Have you ever put dolls or action figures somewhere, and later on you found them somewhere else? But you just know it wasn't someone else moving them. They get up and walk around and have conversations while you're not looking! I bet it's the same with the smilies! I'm on to you! *Points at...
  13. HeraLirambar

    New Sababa Plush Sets including The Electric Mayhem Band

    This was my reaction to this: :confused: :eek: :D
  14. HeraLirambar

    What are your favorite bands?

    My fave bands/artists are: Electric Mayhem Beatles Weezer Blind Guardian Queen Weird Al Nirvana Metallica- but just their older stuff Avril Lavigne No Doubt Aqua I also like some of Pink and Christina Aguilera's stuff There's probably more.
  15. HeraLirambar

    July 4th Menu

    Jamie, you never fail to impress/amuse me! Both in this case. Sam was great. :D
  16. HeraLirambar


    You are correct, sir! Uh, what's going on now?
  17. HeraLirambar

    Bad Baby Names

    I'm not too keen on Judy, Dorcas, Eugene, or Clarence
  18. HeraLirambar


    Re: (not even funny) HAW HAW HAR DE HAR Hee hee hee hee *snort* hee hee *wheeze, pant* mmm hehehehe *sniff* HI CHATALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'M RULLY HYPER NOW!)
  19. HeraLirambar

    Your Feedback: Forum Rules

    Chris, you always make me laugh! I know it's mean, but it's still funny. Suddenly, I fear for the AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH! thread. Can that thread stay up as long as we stick to just "destroying" things (as in NOT people)- but we don't cuss? Pweese? :halo:
  20. HeraLirambar

    Happy Birthday Quinn!

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :excited: :excited: