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  1. ravagefrackle

    Help in contacting Jarrod Boutcher

    he maybe away , i chat with him on occasion, im sure he'll get back to u asoon as he can
  2. ravagefrackle

    Moveable eyes

    yes those are from the Fettig book
  3. ravagefrackle

    Kermit Love will receive the TDF/Irene Sharaff Artisan Award

    i woulnt bet on a tv thing , not high profile enough , but nice to know his work has not been forgotten(not just his muppet stuff, but his other career highlights as well)
  4. ravagefrackle

    Kermit Love Award

    Kermit Love (TDF/Irene Sharaff Artisan Award) worked with the Muppets for many years and is largely responsible for the look of some of Sesame Street's best-known characters. Jim Henson designed the idea for Big Bird, but it is Mr. Love who built much of the character and refined and improved...
  5. ravagefrackle

    Kermit Love will receive the TDF/Irene Sharaff Artisan Award

    Kermit Love (TDF/Irene Sharaff Artisan Award) worked with the Muppets for many years and is largely responsible for the look of some of Sesame Street's best-known characters. Jim Henson designed the idea for Big Bird, but it is Mr. Love who built much of the character and refined and improved...
  6. ravagefrackle

    Kermit Love will receive the TDF/Irene Sharaff Artisan Award

    Kermit Love (TDF/Irene Sharaff Artisan Award) worked with the Muppets for many years and is largely responsible for the look of some of Sesame Street's best-known characters. Jim Henson designed the idea for Big Bird, but it is Mr. Love who built much of the character and refined and improved...
  7. ravagefrackle

    L200 Foam

    its agreat materila, but like everything thier is a learning curve, it is not as forgiving as regular foam ro scott foam, your pattern and your cutting need to be very exact
  8. ravagefrackle

    The Eyes Have It??!!

    i would also suggest after sanding with the fine sandaper , u should use the Plastic Fushion spary paint made by Krylon, besure you do not over spray , be patient it might take several coats
  9. ravagefrackle

    Theodore Rex

    horrible film, the Main dinosaur is done well, the background ones are pretty terrible, was built by some former creature shop folks many of whome had worked on Dinosaurs (keep in mind most if not all are freelance artist hired project to project )
  10. ravagefrackle

    The Eyes Have It??!!

    here is a littel tip, not sure aboit avalibilty , but with easter soon approaching start looking for one little sport balls in the easter egg isle, they are about the same size a s the regular palstic eggs, but the cool thing is they split in half nice and evenley , they alos come in...
  11. ravagefrackle

    The MythBusters (puppets)

    nice job, skin tone seems a little off (Just a personal observation, it could be the flash, i suggest you take the picture outside or in better light with out a falsh , you will notics a world of difference in your photo, ), but i like the use of feathers and the craft yarn , well done
  12. ravagefrackle

    If they had to recast Doc...

    just beacuse it would be wired, how about the guy who played Father Jack on the BBC show "FATHER TED"
  13. ravagefrackle

    Old Puppet PSAs, Commercials and Other Appearances

    to bad it wasnt the better version of the old pill PSA, havnet seen that one in Decades
  14. ravagefrackle

    The Mighty Favog

    hes sculpted form a huge pice of SOFT FOAM, much like what piggy and the other muppet show pigs were .its denser, stretchier,and last longer than other types of foam, its very soft , easy to carve, dont no were to ordeer it (i have a feeling it is a custom order,) but it is really nice stuff...
  15. ravagefrackle

    Muppet Fur Conditioning?

    glad the tips are helpful, and that thecommercial is being well recived
  16. ravagefrackle

    Muppet Fur Conditioning?

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, well you can but be careful, to long in the dryer will cook most fake furs, i know this topic has been discussed numerous times, But here it is again for the most part the furs used on sesame,and muppet puppets is custom dyed, the water needs to be...
  17. ravagefrackle

    New site and puppets

    just want to commend you on doing your due diligance, not quite sure what the laws on copyright are when concerned with international folks like your self, pretty sure they are bit more strict in many ways here in the USA, but its good that you did indeed go thur a process, good...
  18. ravagefrackle

    Puppets for my Muppet Musical

    i have to agree with Jinx on this one, your other option would be to aproach Disney with your concept, (but i fear a idea for this was indevelopment at one point at Henson before the sale, not trying to stifle your creativity, just wanting you to be aware of the realityies of the biz
  19. ravagefrackle

    New site and puppets

    Very true, something we all deal with , my concern is not so much from a personell point of veiw but from a legal one, i would hate to see anyone trying to get somewhere with puppetry have legal issues thown in thier face, and with disney now owning the muppets the likley hood of some over...
  20. ravagefrackle

    New site and puppets

    nice stuff for the most part, but i would be careful if i was you, many of your characters bare more than a passing resemblence to classic muppet puppets,/fraggle characters, Buzz sticks out in my mind, looks very much like a old school "frackle" you defenitley have some skills as a...