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  1. beatnikchick300

    Super Muppets

    Whoa, settle down, dude! I'll start writing the sequel probably around Thanksgiving, wherein I'll have some time off school. I figure I'll dig into the prequels afterward.
  2. beatnikchick300

    The Muppets Take Manhattan....Again

    They're going to meet her later. Unfortunately, I won't be able to update this story until I get some time off from school (so, not until either Thanksgiving break or winter break). In order for me to get in fanfiction mode, I have to have nothing regarding schoolwork on my mind. Being an...
  3. beatnikchick300

    I have something very important to say

    This is changing the subject, but have you ever noticed that someone can say something totally loony and not be aware of it? What are you supposed to do, just ignore it? Personally, I think you should slug 'em....
  4. beatnikchick300

    I have something very important to say

    I got voodoo, I got hoodoo, I got things I ain't even tried.....and I got friends on the other side!
  5. beatnikchick300

    What song can you not get out of your head?

    I had been thinking about Nu Shooz's "I Can't Wait' in my head at various times today. I finally listened to it a few minutes ago so that my brain could have closure and move on.
  6. beatnikchick300

    Are the Buddies Ever Gonna be Put to Sleep?

    As an animal rights activist, I must say the title of this thread is in bad taste. As a film goer and consumer, I must say that these cheapquels are lame, uninspired, and have little to nothing to do with the original film.
  7. beatnikchick300

    The Muppets will be on WWE Raw on Halloween Night

    Hmmm, for once, I may watch wrestling with my little brothers.
  8. beatnikchick300

    Have You Ever Lost A Pet?

    We lost our Sheltie Bailey back in June. He was 14 when we had to have him put down, and really suffering (the vet told my mom he probably had cancer). We had him since he was a puppy (I was 10 when we got him), and not a day goes by that I don't think about him, whether or not he's entered...
  9. beatnikchick300


    I was more into them when I was a teenager, going through my aspiring-beatnik stage. Now that I've grown up to be more laid-back, I like T-shirts and loose blouses (though usually, since puberty was very generous to me, if you know what I mean, I like wearing lower-cut tops when I'm going out).
  10. beatnikchick300

    Do you miss high school?

    High school wasn't the absolute torture for me that TV and movies would have you believe it to be for artsy, geeky, plump girls in glasses like me. Most of my classmates were pretty nice to me, even if we weren't good friends, though my experience was peppered with the occasional jerk who was...
  11. beatnikchick300

    The 'What Song Are You Currently Listening To?' Thread

    "Virtual Insanity" - Jamiroquai
  12. beatnikchick300

    Super Muppets

    Thanks! As was obvious, there will be a sequel, but i have to finish writing the prequels first.
  13. beatnikchick300

    Super Muppets

    Last Chapter (sort of.....)! Chapter 12: All’s Well That Ends Well...Right? Shortly after the police cars were out of view, the Muppets once again cheered and congratulated each other for their valiant efforts. The blonde newswoman popped up in front of them. “And it appears that the villains...
  14. beatnikchick300

    The... -wait fer it-... "What made you laugh today?" Thread

    This old video clip from Ren and Stimpy.
  15. beatnikchick300

    The Muppets Take Manhattan....Again

    I know this one has been up for a year, but it's my second prequel to Super Muppets (along with Beginnings, which is the first), and this story sets up a lot that doesn't happen in the first prequel. I'm thinking I'll revise these two stories concurrently and post them as I am able.
  16. beatnikchick300

    I have something very important to say

    We gonna paaaaartay! Got some chips! Got some dips! Some call me cheap, bit of a freeloada, but I got cups for that old school soda! I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but here's some hummus for these mini toasts! Hummus! Hummus! HUUUUUUMMUS! why was I yelling hummus??
  17. beatnikchick300

    Beginnings: When Ramona and Ashley Met The Muppets

    Chapter 2: And so it begins... That Sunday mid-morning, Ramona drove her beat-up old car to Ashley’s house to pick her up so that the two of them could begin their assignment. She pulled up into the driveway and honked her horn. After a few honks, Ashley finally came marched out the front...
  18. beatnikchick300

    Going to Comic Con

    Good luck, Xerus! We have one coming to Baltimore in late August. Any chance you could make it to that one to get your comic advertised?
  19. beatnikchick300

    The 'What Song Are You Currently Listening To?' Thread

    2Pac & Dr. Dre: California Love. Best summertime song ever!
  20. beatnikchick300

    The End Of What We Grew Up With As Kids

    Personally, I think the less fast food appeals to children, the better, but about everything else, you're right on. Glad I was a '90s kid...