Search results

  1. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    DD: Relax PeaPea, it's only Fem Taeer! Driver! Pull over! Oh I am the driver. Then why aren't I pulling over? *pulls over* Hop in, Fem! F: Are you kidding me? I just had to walk here all the way from the gas station! My feet are killing me! foot is killing me.
  2. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    *getting into lemon car* DanDan: We could always ask when we get there. Oh I do hope that saucy waiter Liam is serving today. I brought him this rock with his name engraved on it *shows rock to PeaPea* Well actually it has "this rock is property of Glendale council, do not remove" but never mind.
  3. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    Grenades??? What's this about grenades?? Tell you what, tell me over coffee. You fancy a trip to Barstucks? I just put petrol in the lemon, we can drive down. I think I left Fem Taeer at the gas station actually... ---- *at the petrol station* Fem Taeer: *to Isis Tee* Cheese twizzle?
  4. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    *arrives and grabs PeaPea by the scruff of the neck* DanDan: PeaPea is that you?? haven't been out of bed since the thread re-opened! You know! This piece of thread I keep in my pocket *takes out thread* Well I opened it! Did you have a nice sleep?
  5. DanDanStrawberry

    Which Company Mascot Scares You

    I'm with drtooth! DOWN WITH THE FROG!
  6. DanDanStrawberry

    Favorite Super Mario Game

    I'm part of the Game Boy generation, so my favourite Mario game is Super Mario Land 2. The one with the 6 coins anyway, that one. :)
  7. DanDanStrawberry

    Lamb Chop's Play Along

    I used to watch this on Disney Channel!! It was so cute, I loved it!! :sing: This is the song that doesn't end...
  8. DanDanStrawberry

    Different Internet Names You go by.

    Glitterberry, DanStrawberry, Berryglitter, Dannamannamoohah and DanDanStrawberry OH! And TutterTheMouse of course :cry: :p
  9. DanDanStrawberry

    Watter cooler talk

    WATER COOLER'S BACK!! *dances* *spills water* *moves on*
  10. DanDanStrawberry

    What did you buy this Month ( Music, DVD's, Video Games, Muppet Stuff)

    Oh which Alanis CD did you buy? Not that it matters cos they're all awesome
  11. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    *comes back into living room with tray* DanDan: I told him that if he didn't put his clothes on then the vicar would...*drops tray*...Viq???? VIQ????? *cries loudly*
  12. DanDanStrawberry

    The Third Somewhat-Annual Muppet Central Award Ceremony!!

    You like me! You really really....wait a minute! I didn't win anything either! This is an outrage!! *trashes awards ceremony*
  13. DanDanStrawberry

    Side Notes and OOC's (The Moppet Family)

    Mopfam rocks. That is all. :)
  14. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    DanDan: Of course it is *goes into kitchen to make tea*
  15. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    DanDan: Brilliant, I'll put the kettle on!! Where is that Fem Taeer, I'll ask him if he wants some tea Fem: *shouts* I'M IN THE KETTLE DanDan: Brilliant, saves me making 2 stops!
  16. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    DanDan: *sniff* No one ever comes to visit me. And when they do they always leave immediately...and my only friend is Fem Taeer and I keep leaving him places...and my room-mate hasn't been out of bed since the thread re-opened....*sobs loudly*
  17. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    DanDan: Floopen stoopen loopen droo....wait a minute...why am I talking like that?? Hey Viq, what can I do for you? Wanna buy a hairdryer?
  18. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    DanDan: Galeepin oopen froop kix man ashenborgen!! Ne fraggen wen meesdort ango!
  19. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    *the couch stops floating, DanDan and Fem switch places* DanDan: Glippy gloppy floopy freebie, Viq.
  20. DanDanStrawberry

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    Fem: Hvorfor svæver sofaen? hvorfor snakker jeg dansk? hvor er DanDan? hvorfor er Viq her? Åh,... Så mange spørgsmål. :confused: