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  1. Luke

    D23 Expo: Muppet news and happenings

    OMG .. and they're on a model of that Disney steamship, which they were also on in the Disney commercial filming. Maybe they are gonna announce something big muppety in the theme parks.
  2. Luke

    eFX Collectibles to produce Muppet Replicas

    I think the D23 thing is Breier introducing the Muppets and them talking about the future stuff. I guess we'll hear more about their 55th year, specifically whats going on with the Disney park connection. I saw the photos Kermits great, the suits perfect. I don't see a major difference in...
  3. Luke

    Your Thoughts: Kermit and Miss Piggy on America's Got Talent

    Yea deffo Steve methinks ... well, thats a relief at least! I like the new little LCD monitors they using. Thanks for the pics.
  4. Luke

    Your Thoughts: Kermit and Miss Piggy on America's Got Talent

    Ah, all may be ok then ... Lets hope so! grey haired guy is about 17 seconds in. Anyone know who he is? Maybe Erics assistant since its two of his characters. I haven't seen the one of Kermit, wheres that?
  5. Luke

    Your Thoughts: Kermit and Miss Piggy on America's Got Talent

    I agree totally, the whole focus of the Muppet and Sesame brands are that they are quality, evergreen properties that have been around from one generation to the next. The Disney connection should make it even more special. They need to upkeep this image of them - not just in terms of...
  6. Luke

    eFX Collectibles to produce Muppet Replicas

    Just hearing Rizzo HAS a cap has got me even more excited for him ... bring on the Riz! It won't be glued on will it? I know clothes will but thats more of an accessory
  7. Luke

    Your Thoughts: Kermit and Miss Piggy on America's Got Talent

    Yes they could (and i guess thats cheaper for Disney) but usually they do use at least use most of the Muppeteers on shoots. Is this whats going to happen, just use anyone to puppeteer and then throw the Muppeteers a few dollars to do a voiceover ... or have an AGT type thing going on. The...
  8. Luke

    Muppet are here at Your M&s

    Oh wow, brilllliant idea! I must send one now to test it lol :insatiable:
  9. Luke

    Muppet are here at Your M&s

    Great to see M&S getting involved with the Muppets, thanks for the info Leanne. And even they have a Muppet e-cards section now, how cool.
  10. Luke

    Your Thoughts: Kermit and Miss Piggy on America's Got Talent

    I may be wrong on this, i may not have seen every video of it - but from what i've seen Steve doesn't seem to be visible in any of the Muppets Disneyland footage either. But then again that isn't Eric waggling Piggy/Fozzie either is it? Only person i recognised was Bill.
  11. Luke

    IDEA- Great Muppet Road Trip TV Special

    Such a great idea ... i love it. It would be a great theme, and i think the Muppets work really well without a really restrictive studio/movie set format so being out on the road on some kind of adventure would be fantastic. They oughta let the public come meet them at each stop too.
  12. Luke

    Your Thoughts: Kermit and Miss Piggy on America's Got Talent

    Oh yeah totally agree, i think we will see that happen. But i can see there being a TV show on ABC within the next 18 months - probably at the same time as the movie. They are putting a lot into the Muppets, just looking at the budget for that parks promotional spot, and their great...
  13. Luke


    Hahahahaha Funneeeeeeee :o
  14. Luke


    Does there need to be a reason? Its a forum, people are commenting. Nobody has piledriven anyone, yet ... :halo:
  15. Luke

    Your Thoughts: Kermit and Miss Piggy on America's Got Talent

    I think Disney would disagree with you most strongly there, come back to this thread in 12 months time and i'm sure opinions would be different on that. Remember Disney owns a TV network. What the Muppets are currently doing is part of a longterm plan - it isn't a case of them taking whatever...
  16. Luke


    Very well said .... and there are precedents for gay characters in the Henson/Disney universe .. Howard Tubman or Tinseltown. Yes they are very stereotypical camping it up but i think quite touching nonetheless.
  17. Luke


    *THUD* Is that the sound of moderators fainting? :insatiable: LOL!
  18. Luke


    I'm sure Bert made a most outstanding Joseph ... i bet the no room at the Inn thing must have irked him somewhat. I must watch that.
  19. Luke

    DINOSAURS and Kevin Clash

    Much kudos to Kevin, its fantastic to see a Muppeteer getting out there amongst the people and especially kids and performing live. It's great to see a Muppet on TV, but its extra-special and magical to see one in the "flesh" ... well, fleece. ... and Yes, Barney the Dinosaur is the...
  20. Luke


    Regarding religion, reminds me of the thread we had one time on Delphi about the Muppets and Christianity ... flame wars, name calling, people thwacking each other with rubber chickens. I think in the end it was closed. Oh, the irony. I honestly don't see religion as having much of a place...