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  1. S

    Your Biff And Sully Moments?

    The final words here were: BIFF: Why didn't you TELL me? (That Sully would have to dig through my half to get to his half?) HOOPER: We TOLD you, about a dozen times. BIFF: I know you TOLD me, but why didn't you TELL me?
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    Change for a dime

    Fan fiction If the "change for a dime" film were done today: (B has 5 dimes, W has two quarters. They look into a storm drain and see a Sacajaweea(sp?) coin) B: Hey look down there, that's a buck, that's worth as much as we got. (reaches into sewer grating) I'm too big, you try. W: I...
  3. S

    Good-bye garbage

    While the title of this post could be a rallying cry for de-junking one's life a la "Clean Sweep", it's actually a song from a film about the garbage man. The film, which had a soundtrack of music and someone singing, began by showing a usual curbside garbage pickup: emptying cans, followed...
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    What was this Guy Smiley skit about?

    Actually, Cookie Monster had a rather indiscriminate appetite throughout the first seven seasons that I watched. Like the time he ate the entire contents of Mr. Hooper's store (food and non-food items, and even some of the furnishings) except for a jug of cookies he promised not to touch. Or...
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    The American Revolution: Washington Crossing the D

    Christopher Columbus Was this historical skit similar to one with Christopher Columbus? Kermit the frog comes to you from Spain where he's at a sendoff of some boats. He interviews Mr. Columbus: CC: Well, I'm off to discover America, and here I got three boats. Say, uh what time it it...
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    Change for a dime

    A film of two boys who find some money and decide how to spend it. Here are the parts I remember as best as a 3-decades-old memory can assemble. Note: In my description, I will ID the boys as B(black) and W(white), as one boy was African-American and the other Caucasian. This is only because...
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    The Screaming Audience

    There was a song called "I feel sad". Lines included "<something, something> I fell down." "I lost a shiny dime" The refrain ended with "Sit down and cry-yi-yi" (backup vocalists) "Sit down and cry!" <insert background screams!>
  8. S

    Rare Ernie and Herry skit from 1970

    I honestly don't remember any closing music, but that doesn't mean there wasn't any. I just recall Herry standing there in disappointed silence after Ernie walked away without playing ball with him. To me, the silence was a good ending in and of itself, as we realized that the monster had a...
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    Songs of Joe Raposo

    One line from the song I couldn't quite make out: "Deer, have pretty fawn, often pad and wad and warm" After that: "Cows have calves, and I'll bet you didn't know, that elephants have calves too" Final verse: "Pigs have piglets, and in case you didn't know, I've another fact for you...
  10. S

    I like reading...

    It's not often that I remember skits I saw exactly once. But here's one that somehow managed to stand out in my mind: Susan is sitting on the 123 stoop with a hardback book. She says: "I like reading books." Camera cuts to Gordon sitting in a recliner chair with a newspaper. "I like...
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    Rare Ernie and Herry skit from 1970

    Let's see what I remember of this one, albeit imperfectly. Ernie is walking, and sees a ball on the wall. He picks up the ball, looks around, notices that there isn't anyone looking for it, so he decides to take this ball home with him. HERRY: Hey Ernie, whatcha got there? ERNIE: It's a...
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    Questions we may never know the answer

    A corrolary to this: people and places we've heard about, but have never seen. -- "Charlie", of Charlie's Restaurant. We do hear one side of Grover's conversations with him, though. Nor have we seen the dog Charlie keeps in or near the kitchen. For instance, when Fat Blue decided he wanted...
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    Sesame Street censorship

    There was an animated segment in which a kangaroo is repeatedly pulling letter K's out of her pouch and demonstrating K-words. I think one was "kick", as she kicked the letter out of range. One word was actually "kill", in which she put her foot on the top of the K's riser and made a "snfffff"...
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    That's about the size of it

    Didn't they air that song/animation on the same episode when they announce that Mr. Hooper passed away? In fact, I thought they played that close to, if not right before, the scene where Big Bird passes out the drawings. Of course, it's possible that when this episode was run on Noggin, they...
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    C.M.helps the 2 headed monster solve an argument

    I'd heard Cucamonga mentioned in another skit. For some reason, Cookie Monster dresses up like a medical doctor. He proceeds to summarily examine Ernie -- WITHOUT his consent mind you, or begrudgingly at best -- then diagnoses him with "Cucamonga-phobia". The treatment for this infirmity is...
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    Ernie Meets a Mailman (1969)

    It was so long ago, I forgot what the Anything Muppets looked like. But I'm pretty sure that they were both "skinny" Muppets, and one was probably the green one.
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    Sesame Street censorship

    I can think of two sketches that had their endings changed since their debut. Was it censorship? Not sure. 1. The rolling ball that weaves down a maze of ramps, flags, rollers, etc., occasionally counting 1-2-3. Originally, at the end, the ball rolled off the track and bounced into a...
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    What's My Part - Nose

    The mystery part was a foot. During this game, Prof. Hastings was kinda tired or spaced out the whole time. Whenever the game show host would call on him, Hastings replied with something like PROF: "...and our lecture for today is" HOST: "You're not giving a lecture, you're playing our...
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    Your Favorite Cartoons on Sesame Street

    Actually, that guy likes painting things bright colors! How about where a man goes up to a grocer and asks for 5 pounds of bubble gum, purchased as a bulk-food item. The grocer takes a scoop and loads the scale one lb. at a time with multicolored gumballs. When the dial reaches 5, the guy...
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    Favorite Skits Growing Up

    Is that the sequence that begins with a man pulling a single peanut plant out of the ground? Two or three voiceover kids narrate the sequence, and at the beginning they say that peanuts don't taste good before they're roasted. Toward the end one of the kids says "The jars are on a...