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  1. beatnikchick300

    Most Unlikable Protagonists

    I think the villain's first name is actually "Percival." I've been watching that film since before I was learning to spell my name. :) I also didn't think the kid in the Rescuers sequel was all that overly cutesy, personally. I never saw the first Rescuers, so I can't speak to that.
  2. beatnikchick300

    Worst sequels

    I don't even get the "even happier ending" thought. I mean, why is it that Disney thinks "happiness" equals romance (or vice versa)? Looking back on Hunchback, one of the things I actually like about it is that Quasimodo didn't end up with the leading lady, but still ended up happy, because he...
  3. beatnikchick300

    Most Unlikable Protagonists

    I'll take more movies and shows with interesting female characters than "strong" female characters. By which I mean, I'd much rather see girls and women who are flawed, developed, and fun to watch than just some more flat female characters who kick butt and take names. And by all means, more...
  4. beatnikchick300

    Is Frozen overrated?

    This conversation is beginning to irritate me. I would think adults would not have an issue with unpopular opinions, let alone about movies intended mainly for kids. Maybe that's too much to expect. I don't need everyone to love everything popular, and, to be candid, I really don't care what...
  5. beatnikchick300

    Is Frozen overrated?

    Maybe we don't need to distinguish between them. And maybe we should grow up and stop dumping on people for expressing opinions about entertainment. Who cares why people are saying they don't like it? As if there's nothing else in the world to be apoplectic about....
  6. beatnikchick300

    Is Frozen overrated?

    Oh, not this nonsense again. Just because something is popular doesn't mean people who liked it can't say anything about it (and even people who liked it can't say it had problems). I'm sick to death of that. I haven't even seen Frozen yet, but a lot of their overzealous fandom is making me not...
  7. beatnikchick300

    There Needs To Be a Better Respect of Opinion Around Here

    Yep, exactly. I actually replied to a comment on his Nostalgia Critic review of "8 Crazy Nights" (the comment said, basically, that the movie is stupid and mindless, and you'd have to be an idiot to like it). I asked this person why s/he was under the impression that everything people enjoy...
  8. beatnikchick300

    The Official Top 10 Anything...

    Top 10 Favorite Post-Un-Cancellation Nostalgia Critic Episodes: 1. Master of Disguise 2. The Last Airbender 3. The Christmas Tree (a.k.a The Worst Christmas Special Ever) 4. Disney Afternoon 5. Valentine's Day Special (Top 11 Strangest Couples) 6. Man of Steel 7. Dawn of the Commercials...
  9. beatnikchick300

    What is your least favorite Muppet Movie?

    So why, all of a sudden, do there need to be all these rules about what people can say they dislike, and how? Some perfectly good directors make films that are critical flops, or just a good number of people dislike, or heck, even only a few people dislike. You know what? All artists have to...
  10. beatnikchick300

    There Needs To Be a Better Respect of Opinion Around Here

    I wanted to bump this thread, because I'm still noticing a good amount of this mindset in a lot of threads. Seriously, people need to calm down.
  11. beatnikchick300

    What is your least favorite Muppet Movie?

    I really wish people here could learn to have some modicum of respect for other people's opinions. Provided they aren't just being flat-out rude or hostile, people should be allowed to express opinions, even, no, ESPECIALLY those most others might not share.
  12. beatnikchick300

    Most Annoying TV Series Ever?

    I'm sorry. I thought I was allowed to have my own opinions and express them on this forum. Guess I was wrong....
  13. beatnikchick300

    Most Unlikable Protagonists

    He never actually learned to not act like a smug jerk, though. And the times he pays for it and admits he was wrong happen so rarely that he's barely better than some of the Karma Houdini characters (Roger and Sam come to mind) I've mentioned previously in this thread. At least with regard to...
  14. beatnikchick300

    Most Unlikable Protagonists

    I'd call that "Protagonist Centered Morality," but I don't think that show had enough of a set protagonist for that to apply. Also, I didn't care too much in that case, since I never liked Dick Dastardly, because he's basically all of the villain cliches I hate rolled into one (dark clothes...
  15. beatnikchick300

    Most Unlikable Protagonists

    Well... Peter and Lois Griffin (Family Guy) -Because they're horrible parents, not really all that great to each other either, and constantly do stupid, childish, selfish things. At least with the Simpsons and the Smiths from American Dad, even for all the stupid, self-serving, borderline...
  16. beatnikchick300

    What is your least favorite Muppet Movie?

    Might I suggest, my dear, that you let people have their opinions without giving them grief? Not that I disagree with your points on LtS (I don't like it at all myself), but still, this is a consistent problem.
  17. beatnikchick300

    Muppet Musicals

    Upon further consideration, this casting might work better if Kermit instead of Scooter as Mark. Like, Maureen/Piggy leaves Mark/Kermit for Joanne/Jill, keeping Piggy's frog-love going full-circle (and Mark is kind of the character who tries to hold things together and be the voice of reason, as...
  18. beatnikchick300

    Questions about anything

    Well, the latter was what I thought (because even when I was a kid, I knew that female voice actors voicing male characters was a thing), but other sources indicate that she was a female. It makes sense, because hyenas in real life live in matriarchal groups.
  19. beatnikchick300

    Questions about anything

    A question sort of related to that: was I the only one who thought, when I first saw the Lion King, that the lead hyena was a dude? I was shocked when I learned she was a female. Was I the only one?
  20. beatnikchick300

    The 'What Song Are You Currently Listening To?' Thread

    "The Way" -Fastball (just bought it on iTunes, since my Kindle is running out of space for music):sing: