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  1. Beebers

    Bad Baby Names

    But just think, what a handy line - ooh, you are ULYICIOUS. And one could say it and really mean it. (I really should not be let out loose tonight.) :D :D :D
  2. Beebers

    Bad Baby Names

    Oh, ohohohohohohohohohoohohohohohohoh, omg, sorry, oh my, your posts just lay me on the floor. Oh, roflroflrofl, oh geez. Sorry, sorry, oh dear. Probably most of us could say that if we looked hard enough. Oh, dear. *wipes tears from eyes* sorry, your humor is just so dry and . . . oh...
  3. Beebers

    Happy Birthday Beauregard

    Hey, baby! Muchos Happy Returnos, Feliz Navidad, all that good stuff. COOL. Have a Splendiferous Birthday dear. :) :) :)
  4. Beebers

    Leaving on a jet plane (almost)

    ALL my cows are classic. Classic Cows Only. Egads, it's too bad 120 Rebellion is gone, I'd love to go back and read that. Glory days. :cool: :D :cool:
  5. Beebers

    Where were you, 11/22?

    I'm sure this is true. Bless Whatever for occasionally sweeping through and bringing up zillions of Old Cool Threads. Hey, where's 120-second Rebellion??? The newbies would enjoy reading that lol. :D :D :D
  6. Beebers


    I know, I remember when yours is, and today is one year on MC for me, now that I think about it. Seems as if I've been here forever, to me anyway. Time flies. I wish I could send you brand new ears for your birthday. If I could, I would, believe me. :sympathy:
  7. Beebers

    Sad? Why shouldnt I be?

    Hey, wait a minute - have you no support, other than these buddies - is there no one you can garner support from, staff, teachers, family, no one you might talk with freely about this? I don't mind telling you this stuff makes me see clouds of little red dots in my eyes, there should be no...
  8. Beebers


    Hello, my name is Laurel, and I've been addicted to rubber chickens for, oh, a very long time now. I never had the courage to speak till tonight, but your stories have inspired me to come forward. I guess my low point came when I blew out the rear springs on my car what with so many chickens...
  9. Beebers

    Getting hitched

    It's Really Nice to be able to share this with all of you, and nice to see you, Manda, around here a bit for a minute, miss your cheerful presence. Barry, I'll send you some cake, promise. Think it'll fit through the e-mail slot????? *Barry's computer explodes - says to tech support - Well...
  10. Beebers

    Getting hitched

    Thank you all, for such good wishes. So much fun, this is. And yes, Manda, he's a fine, fine guy. :) :) :)
  11. Beebers

    Veterans' Day

    Please find a moment in the day to pause and remember all who have served, from the very beginnings of this nation to now, in order that we may live.
  12. Beebers

    Disability Corner

    I don't know how the devil you live with that ear thing. When I got run over my interior right ear was totally destroyed, I only have 20% hearing now in what was a perfectly good ear, but too I had the thing you have in it for about 3 years. It was driving me close to Felonious Behavior, and...
  13. Beebers

    Disability Corner

    No, don't say that. Posting these things is healthy and helpful and brings support and comfort to those who need it. Your stuff is just as legitimate as any. :cool:
  14. Beebers

    Disability Corner

    You are all incredibly brave. Your stories bring tears to my eyes. It's hard to do sometimes but stay brave, stay strong. You all have VALUE, and you're all here for a reason. Never forget that. :cool: :sympathy: :cool:
  15. Beebers

    Getting hitched

    :grouchy: Grrrrrrrrrr, sorry, We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties. Per usual. I'll stay in touch though, working on it. :grouchy:
  16. Beebers

    Getting hitched

    Well, things are just inexplicably lining up, falling into place, I have no explanation for it. I'm a little overwhelmed by everything right now because I'm not accustomed to Things Going Well. The freebie is an extra property belonging to my former sister-in-law, it isn't being used, and she...
  17. Beebers

    Getting hitched

    That's where my wedding ring will be. :D :D :D
  18. Beebers

    Getting hitched

    The next good thing just happened a few hours ago - we've been offered free Yes You Read That Right free studio/living space, an entire building, so we can finally do our filming, puppetworks, editing etc.etc.etc. and live all under one roof without having to always scramble for workspace...
  19. Beebers

    Getting hitched

    ROFL. Everybody thinks that, it's okay! I think I may have a tendency to come across as a guy in my writing - I've written published editorials and commentary columns which despite a byline have led readers to think I'm a guy. So I think it's more my writing style than anything. It's fine...
  20. Beebers

    Getting hitched

    Better believe it. We'll travel with an interpreter for awhile as his Southern accent, which I love, is so heavy, but I DID get the "marry me" part the first time he said it LOL. :D :excited: :D